Aura of man - colors, meaning

The physical body of each person has an intangible shell, aura. By its shape and color, one can say a lot about the character of a person , the state of his health and mood. We can say what color aura, such a man, it is a pity that not everyone can see it.

How to determine the color of a person's aura?

Clairvoyants have the opportunity to see the aura, but to other people this is not available. True, there are alternative ways to determine the color of the aura, the most accurate of which is a photograph using the film of the highest level of sensitivity. A little less accurate is the method of testing the aura using special questionnaires. The method of determining the prevailing color of the aura with the help of paints boasts the least accuracy. To do this, take three tubes with yellow, red and blue paint. Extrude a little paint on each white sheet from each tube (you can limit it to two colors or completely stop at one) and mix them. Continue to arbitrarily mix the colors until you feel the inner warmth and comfort. After that, wear a bandage that is impervious to light and drive with palms over the tubes of paint until you feel the heat begin to come from them, choose the one that will seem to you the warmest. Remove the dressing and add any amount of dye from the tube to the spot you received earlier, mix everything evenly. The resulting shade will be the color that predominates in your aura.

Meaning of the colors of auras

The person has 7 main chakras, painted in the colors of the rainbow, the lowest one has a red color, the uppermost one is purple. In a highly developed person, all these chakras work with the same force, so the color of his aura will be white, but in all other chakras are unevenly developed, therefore in his aura there is one or several prevailing colors that will reveal the main features of a person at this stage of development.

When decoding the values ​​of the colors of a person's aura, one must take into account the intensity of the shade, the darker it is, the more negative emotions the person owns. "Dirty" shades can talk about diseases, lack of energy, excessive development of bad character traits or complete lack of interest in what is not related to the satisfaction of physiological needs. Thus, a dark aura is always an unfavorable sign, but let's talk about the meaning of the colors of a person's aura in more detail.

Red color indicates a tendency to nervous disorders, and the dark shade of red means the presence of some hidden ailment and a love for domination over others, decisive actions. A shade of light will mean a very active, nervous and impulsive person, possibly inclined to egocentrism. The pink or coral color of the aura means immaturity, usually observed in young people, the adult will mean the presence of childishness and infantilism.

The orange color of the aura indicates an attentive attitude towards others. A golden shade of orange will speak of self-control and vitality, and the presence of brownish tones is about carelessness and ambition. You can also assume that a person is depressed by any events, but most likely, it is just a sign of laziness.

The yellow color of the aura with golden tinge speaks of strong health and well-being, such people can take care of themselves, easily learn and are not worried. They are friendly, have a lively mind and are always ready to help. The reddish hue speaks of shyness or an inferiority complex.

Green color indicates that a person can easily adapt to circumstances, is sentimental and compassionate. Such people value friendship, but they tend to perceive life too easily, if they fail, they tend to blame everyone except for themselves. Their strength increases gradually, but it will be impossible to contain it. Shades of color play a big role - the more yellow, the less stable the effect of color. Approach to blue - strengthens the quality.

The blue color of aura means cheerfulness and good health of a person, striving for high ideals and spirituality. But this has to do with the saturated color, the pale shade of blue speaks of a weakening of quality, of indecisiveness and a small development of talents, although the person undoubtedly tries and strives for self-improvement.

The blue aura will talk about inspiration and wisdom, such people live in harmony with nature and themselves. A light shade of blue means a person's striving for perfection, primarily spiritual, and saturated blue (without gray admixtures) indicates that the person has completely given himself to his calling, we can say that he performs a certain mission.

The purple aura is peculiar to people who are in search of their vocation, but a pure bright shade will mean a true spiritual person who does not consider material values ​​as the main idea of ​​existence. If there is an admixture of pink in the purple aura, then such a person likes power, a dark shade can speak of a lack of energy.

When assessing the aura, you need to consider that its color can change under the influence of strong emotions - an angry person will have a scarlet aura, but in a calm state, the color may be quite different.