Facing the house paneled with brick

Modern finishing materials for facade work allow you to simulate virtually any texture. So, more and more popular is the facing of houses with panels for brick, and similar panels can be used both independently on all walls, and in combination with siding of another design as a finishing material for the socle .

Preparatory work

Panels for exterior facing of the house "under a brick", in fact, are no different from other types of panels, except their shape. They are made of polyvinyl chloride and work with them as easily as with other types of siding .

  1. First you need to erect a crate on all walls of the house. It can be made both from a metal profile, and from wooden bars stuffed with a distance of 30-40 cm along the walls.
  2. If additional insulation is required between the crate, a layer of insulation (for example, mineral wool or polystyrene) is laid and tightened with an insulating film.
  3. At the lowest point of the wall, the starting bar is set, on which the first row of the siding under the brick will be fastened.

Facing the house with facade panels

  1. Facing the front of the house with panels according to the following scheme.
  2. The first row of panels for bricks is fixed on the starting plate using a locking system, and screwed to the crate by screws. In this case, do not tighten the brackets too tightly, otherwise they can break from strong gusts of wind. When twisting the panels between them, you should also leave a small distance, because under the influence of temperature and humidity they can be slightly deformed.
  3. The shape of the panels makes it easy to join them with each other, so that the finish of all the walls of the house will pass quickly and neatly.
  4. To process the corners of the structure, there are special corner elements, which also imitate brickwork.