Who is a neurotic and how to stop being a neurotic?

People with different psychological problems are not uncommon in the modern world, and there are a lot of reasons for this. Not everyone knows who is neurotic and how dangerous this condition is, and even more so, how to help a person cope with the existing problem.

Who is this neurotic?

Many people mistakenly believe that neurosis is a mental illness, but in fact, it is personality disorder and can be got rid of at any stage of the problem development. It has a protracted character and even with successful cure, relapses are possible. A neurotic is an individual who is characterized by constant anxiety, emotional instability and low self-esteem. According to statistics, a neurotic, as a type of person, is the most common to date. There are three groups of causes that can cause personality disorder:

  1. An internal crisis, that is, a person who has experienced a loss of a loved one, a war or another stunning event, can become a neurotic.
  2. Stressful situation and psycho-traumatic factors of different severity, for example, unhappy love or dismissal from work.
  3. Hormonal rearrangements in the body can trigger the onset of neurosis. This can happen during puberty or menopause.

Signs of the neurotic

There are a huge number of symptoms that may indicate psychological problems . A neurotic is a type of character that can be described by the following features:

  1. The presence of a huge number of phobias, and this applies even to quite banal things, for example, the fear of enjoying life.
  2. Constant expectation of failures. Life in this scenario in any case leads to disappointment.
  3. If you ask people who are neurotic, then the popular answer is a loser, since a person with such a disorder rarely achieves the desired one.
  4. Denial of the existence of a problem and the suppression of aggression. In the presence of personality disorder, a person begins to project existing problems onto other people.

Woman of the neurotic

To notice whether a loved one has problems with the psyche, you just need to observe it from the outside and analyze the behavior. There are a number of symptoms that indicate a neurotic disorder:

  1. There is irritation from extraneous sounds, for example, from the tap of a pen on the table or conversation of neighbors behind the wall. He wants to hide from everything in silence.
  2. The desire to constantly fall into extremes and the absence of a "golden mean".
  3. Underestimation does not provide an opportunity to achieve success in life, so people with a psychological disorder begin to be interested in someone else's life.
  4. In communicating with other people neurotics constantly expect any negative.
  5. There is a violation of their own desires, for example, a person with a mental problem can begin to eat a lot or become a shopaholic.
  6. In reasoning on serious topics, naivety and stupidity appear.

The man is neurotic

All the symptoms described earlier are relevant for the stronger sex, and vice versa. When a mental disorder is present for a long time, then the appearance of physiological problems is possible.

Neurotica and psychotics - differences

Many people confuse such concepts and there are many differences between them. Who are neurotics already dismantled, and as for psychotics, it's people with a pronounced mental disorder, in which their activities differ significantly from the surrounding reality. Psychologists and neurotics behave strangely, but the first manifest dangerous symptoms, for example, a disturbance of perception of the surrounding world, memory and thinking. There are different forms of psychosis: delusional, depressive, affective, alcoholic, hysterical and others.

How to behave with the neurotic?

A meeting with a person with a mental disorder can occur at any time, and many people have similar personalities in their close environment, so it is important to know how to communicate with the neurotic:

  1. Do not try to persuade the patient verbally that he has a problem, believe me, this is an ungrateful thing that will not bring results.
  2. The desire to show the neurotic world from its good side, in most cases remains unanswered, since people with mental problems do not hear and do not accept any arguments.
  3. For those who are interested in how to manage the neurotic, it is necessary to know that it is important to act with such people quickly and mercilessly. Persuasion here, do not work, so to make adjustments in the life of such a person will have to act against his will.

How to help the neurotic?

To achieve positive dynamics in treatment and really help the patient, then without the help of a specialist can not do. A neurotic is a person with whom contact is not so easy, and a psychologist using different techniques can find the cause that provoked the problem.

  1. The first step in therapy is the identification and elimination of negative factors that provoke neurotic reactions. Without the normalization of living conditions, progress in treatment can not be achieved.
  2. At the second stage of therapy there is elimination of obvious symptoms of neurosis, which contributes to a more adequate perception of the surrounding world.
  3. The main task of a specialist at the end of therapy is to activate the personality of a person so that he returns to society and reacts normally to different life situations.

How to live a neurotic?

A person who has personality disorder often encounters a split personality, and the second "I" always comes against real desires and aspirations. It is important to realize the problem and make a decision, to get rid of invisible shackles that prevent us from living and developing normally. A neurotic person must direct all his forces to overcome the internal contradictions of his state. To get the result, each person must develop a self-regulation method for himself.

How to stop being a neurotic?

Psychologists argue that a person with a nervous breakdown must learn to relieve tension. To hear yourself and your body, you need to get rid of subconscious fears, complexes and stereotypes. A neurotic personality type can be reconstructed using such exercises for relaxation:

  1. You need to learn to concentrate on yourself. To develop this feeling, you need to go to the wall and stand in it with your back at a distance of 10-15 cm. Relax and focus on your own condition. Close your eyes and start to fall back.
  2. To relieve nervous tension, you can begin to swing and this method often works on an instinctive level. It is important to find your own rhythm.
  3. It is recommended to keep a psychological diary, where you need to record your own feelings and changes that occur in the inner world. It is important to be aware of one's own self, to understand values ​​and interrelationships.
  4. Continuing to find out who neurotics are and how to deal with the problem on their own, it is worthwhile to give one more tip: it is useful to regularly reflect on ideas, people, events, and also conduct an internal dialogue with oneself.

How not to train a neurotic?

Many parents do not even suspect that their actions, they harm their child, violating his psyche. It is important to know that a neurotic is a type of personality that can be formed due to incorrect education. To avoid mistakes, you need to consider these tips:

  1. You can not focus only on achievements and even more so on failures.
  2. Parents should not ridicule the child, as if his actions or defects of appearance.
  3. Explain your decisions and answer all the questions. The child must understand the situation and draw conclusions about what is good and what is bad. Phrases like "behave yourself" or "do not behave stupid" should be deleted, and it is better to give the child an explanation.
  4. Many parents do not want to, they form a phobia in their child. You can not cause fear that a policeman or a woman-yaga will come. Experts do not recommend using phrases: "stop whining" or "do not be a coward."
  5. A neurotic character can be brought up if you put into the child the idea that people are all bad and good deeds from them are not worth waiting for. Many mothers often use with their daughter the phrase: "all the guys goats."

Books for neurotics

There are different literature on this topic, in which you can find useful information.

  1. "With a neurosis in life" A. Kurpatov. The author tells about who is a neurotic and how a person destroys his life. Having dealt with existing problems, changing your life will be much easier.
  2. "Neurosis and growth of personality" by K. Horney. In this book, a detailed and accessible language describes who is a neurotic and his inner world, as well as the development and treatment of such personality disorder.
  3. "Family novel of neurotics" Z. Freud. In this book, several works of the psychiatrist were collected, which at one time shocked the public and became classics of psychoanalysis.