Orange cake

We bring to your attention the stunning recipes of the orange cake, which turns out to be incredibly delicious, with a refined aftertaste and original sourness. Such delicious delicacy will be appreciated by adults and children!

Chocolate-orange cake recipe


For cream:

For the cake:


So, to prepare a chocolate-orange cake, eggs to grind with sugar, put the oil and whisk to a homogeneous mass at the lowest speed. After that, pour in the flour, throw the cocoa and baking powder. One third of the resulting mass is put into the mold and baked for 25 minutes at 180 ° C. In this way we prepare 3 chocolate cakes, and for the time being we turn to the preparation of the cream. Orange peel chop on the griddle and squeeze the juice, which is poured into a small saucepan. We put it on a water bath, pour sugar and let it completely dissolve. Next, put the butter and wait until it melts. Finally, beat the eggs separately and pour them into the orange mixture. Stirring, prepare the cream to a dense condition. Now we impregnate the cooled cake with orange juice, from above we cover with a uniformly cooled cream and repeat the sequence with all the cakes. We smear the whole chocolate cake with orange cream on the sides, sprinkle cocoa on top and decorate with orange peel.

Orange-curd cake without baking



In a blender, crush the cookies to crumbs. Cream butter melt to a liquid state and pour it to the crumb. Mix everything with a spoon and put the mass on the bottom of the mold. Now let's make the cream: in the milk we make gelatin and give it to stand for 10-15 minutes. Then heat on the stove and cook it on a weak fire for 5 minutes. This time in another bowl, combine cottage cheese with mascarpone cheese, throw vanilla sugar and plain. Next, pour the gelatin mixture and add the orange peel. Cook the curd filling spread on the cake and level the surface with a spoon. Cut the flesh of the orange into large pieces and spread it on top of the pie. Fill everything with a thin layer of orange jam and send the orange curd cake to the fridge for 3 hours.

Cake "Orange Paradise"


For cream:


Orange my good, put it in a saucepan, fill it with cold water, send it to the fire and bring it to a boil. Cook the fruit for about 5 minutes, and then take it out of boiling water and cut it into about 10 lobules. After that, we cool, remove the stones and grind it with a blender. Eggs beat the mixer to a lush mass, pour a glass of sugar and whisk again. We sift the flour together with a baking powder into a bowl, add orange puree, spread the egg mass and mix. We spread the dough into a paper-covered form and put it in a preheated oven. Bake the orange cake for about 40 minutes until cooked. Then carefully remove it, completely cool it and cut the cake into 3 cakes. For cream, beat the egg with sugar and flour, drain the milk and mix thoroughly. Put the dishes on the stove and cook, stirring, until thick. Then completely cool the mixture, add butter and whisk until a thick cream. Now we sandwich them with baked cakes and lay them on each other. We decorate the cake with orange slices and remove it for 1 hour in the refrigerator.