Puff with jam

Slices with jam will taste to everyone, which is very important, especially if you call guests for evening tea. The recipe for puff pastry with jam from the ready-made dough is extremely simple: defrost the dough pack, wrap the jam in a dough, lubricate the surface with a beaten egg and bake according to the instructions on the package.

But we decided not to go the easy way, but to tell you about how to make a puff jam on a homemade puff pastry . The work will need more, but in the end, the surprise from your masterpiece will increase proportionally to the expended forces.

How to prepare puffs with apple jam?


For the test:

For filling:


3 ½ cups of flour is sieved in a deep bowl and mixed with pieces of cold butter (we take half of the total amount of oil in the recipe). It is difficult to do this by hands, so use a food processor, or a pair of knives for this case. As soon as the crumb is formed from flour and oil, we pour water mixed with salt into it. Water should be poured in portions, without stopping to knead the dough. The finished dough will be very dense and absolutely not sticky. Now the dough can be rolled into a ball and wrapped in a film, and then placed in a refrigerator for 30-40 minutes.

Now we will deal with the remains of butter: it must be mixed with flour and also placed in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. We take the dough out of the fridge and roll it out on a dusted table into a square with a side of 30 cm. We also take the oil ball from the refrigerator and roll it to the same size. We put the oil layer on top of the layer of dough in the manner of the rhombus, i.e. so that the edges of the oil layer point to the sides of the dough layer. Begin turning the edges of the dough until they meet in the center. We turn dough and roll it into a rectangle 50x25 cm.

Turn the lower and upper third of the rectangle overlapping each other, a quarter of the dough on the right also turn and roll out the dough again. Repeat the above two procedures alternately twice more. If the dough starts to get clammy and sticky - send it to the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Ready-made dough wrapped in an envelope and cooled, then rolled out and cut into squares. In the center of each square, put on a tablespoon of apple jam , turn off and grease the puff egg. Bake puffs at 190 degrees until blanching.