How many calories are in the oatmeal cookies?

Oatmeal cookies - a favorite since childhood delicacy for many people. A unique and unforgettable taste distinguishes this product from other sweets, because its basis is oat flour. Even in tsarist Russia, oatmeal cookies occupied not the last place among the most delicious treats.

Today, this product produces a variety of varieties, this is dietary, and lean, and sweet, and with the addition of dried fruits , chocolate, nuts, cottage cheese, honey, etc. But in any case, the main ingredient is oat flour, which means that this sweetness is also good for health.

Useful properties of oatmeal cookies

Doctors recommend using oatmeal cookies for breakfast, because it saturates the body with energy for the whole day, with enough to eat only 1-2 pieces.

And thanks to the composition, this delicacy will also bring a significant benefit to man:

  1. Fiber improves digestion, removes toxins and activates the work of the intestines.
  2. Minerals support the work of the musculoskeletal system and the health of all muscles.
  3. Inositol lowers blood cholesterol and sugar levels.
  4. Antioxidants weaken the effects on the human body of free radicals.
  5. Oatmeal cookies maintain a healthy state of blood vessels and heart.

How many calories are in the oatmeal cookies?

The main ingredients used to make this dessert, which is usually sold in stores, is margarine (or butter), sugar and eggs. That is why the calorie content of this treat is quite high, and ranges from 390 kcal to 440 kcal per 100 g. But the caloric value of 1 piece of oatmeal cookies equals 85 kcal, which means that if you eat 1-2 things for breakfast, as doctors recommend, your figure does not suffer in any way.

By the way, this amount of oatmeal cookies can be afforded even when losing weight. The most important thing is not to abuse, because in the production of this product is "enriched" also with various harmful additives. It is best to prepare this delicacy yourself, then the benefits will be greater and the calories in such oatmeal cookies will decrease by several times, the indicator will be approximately 290 kcal, or maybe less. To make this delicacy more lean, and not be afraid to eat oatmeal cookies in a diet, do not use ingredients such as sugar, oil and eggs in the preparation, but rather add dried fruits, candied fruits or nuts.