Scrub for intestines

Since childhood we have been taught that oatmeal is the most useful porridge. Eating it for breakfast, we not only fill our stomach, but also enrich the body with nutrients and necessary vitamins. Plus, oatmeal is used as an excellent scrub for the intestines, eliminating problems with the digestive system.

The Benefits of Oatmeal

The use of regular consumption of oatmeal is as follows:

  1. This product fills the body with important elements, such as chrome, iron, magnesium iodine, phosphorus and lots of vitamins. For example, one serving of porridge can provide a daily norm of vitamin B1 and B2. The presence of vitamins E and A in it helps maintain the health of the skin, hair and nails.
  2. Oat flakes are a kind of cleansing scrub for the intestines. Grains envelop its surface, removing harmful substances and toxins. The systematic use of oatmeal in food helps to normalize the work of the stomach, speeds up the metabolism and prevents the development of gastritis .
  3. Due to the composition of gamma-rizanol in the composition of the oatmeal, its ingestion accelerates the healing of duodenal ulcers and stomach. In addition, frequent use of it prevents the development of cancer.
  4. Scrub for the intestine of oat flakes due to its cleansing properties of cellulose, which is so rich in this cereal. Rough non-digestible fibers like broom bars "sweep" out of the body accumulated substances and metabolic products. Another advantage of cellulose is that it, getting into the stomach, swells, giving a feeling of satiety for a long time.
  5. The use of oatmeal helps to normalize the cholesterol content in the blood. Penetrating into the stomach, it "lining" its surface with an adhesive mass, which prevents the absorption of cholesterol.
  6. It is especially useful to use oat flakes to persons suffering from excess weight. Low calorie and lack of fat makes the porridge an ideal product. Plus, it energizes and helps fight depression, thanks to vitamin N, which is very important when switching to a healthy diet. Oatmeal porridge is recommended for weight loss and normalization of metabolic processes.

Super-scrub for the intestines - recipe

Let's consider several recipes for preparing a scrub:

  1. Pour oatmeal with boiled water. Leave for about twenty minutes until ready. Very few fresh porridge will have to taste, so fruit is added to it. It is very useful to add rich in coarse fiber, apples, peanuts, raisins.
  2. You can prepare an oatmeal scrub for the intestine in this way. Pour in warmed milk or hot water in a container with oatmeal. Put the porridge on fire and cook for five minutes. To taste, add sugar, and preferably honey.
  3. Good cleaning properties are oat jelly. Flakes are poured hot water or milk (for one hundred grammes of cereals two glasses of water (milk)) and left overnight. The next morning, flake liquid is squeezed out, and the liquid is put on the fire and boiled until thick. In the resulting kissel add to taste honey, butter. Drink it thrice a day.

Apply a miracle-scrub for the intestines should be done in the morning on an empty stomach. The porridge is thoroughly chewed and liquid is not washed down. Therefore, before drinking it is important to drink at least a glass of water. The next meal should not be earlier than three hours after breakfast.

Take a product to combat excess weight is recommended daily for four weeks. If you are not worried about problems with the figure, then apply a scrub to cleanse the intestines as a preventive maintenance of diseases can be twice a week.