Polycystic ovary - reasons

Polycystic ovary is a syndrome that accompanies a hormonal disorder in the body of a woman, as a result of which follicles filled with liquid (unripe oocytes) are formed in the ovary cavity. These formations are called cysts, usually there are at least ten in the diseased ovary.

Polycystic and infertility

Hormonal disorder causing polycystic ovary syndrome is observed in women of reproductive age. Due to the disruption of the natural process of maturation of the follicles, a mature egg does not leave the ovary. An additional "obstacle" is the thickened capsule of the ovary, which is formed during polycystosis. Thus, ovulation occurs much less often than a healthy cycle (oligo-ovulation) suggests or does not occur at all (anovulation). Outwardly this is manifested by the absence or irregularity of menstruation and infertility. Often, women will learn about the polycystic ovarian syndrome syndrome, already starting treatment for infertility.

Sometimes such patients manage to become pregnant, but often because of hormonal impairment the pregnancy ends early.

Types of polycystic ovary

It is accepted to divide the syndrome into:

The primary form proceeds easily, but it is more difficult to be treated, it is more common in young women and even teenage girls. The secondary form is easier to treat, but it gives the patient discomfort, as a rule, in women of older reproductive age who have experienced recurrent inflammations of the genital organs.

On ultrasound, polycystosis of the right or left ovary is sometimes diagnosed, but in fact the cysts affect both organs.

Nature of the disease

The root cause of the hormonal disorder, which entails the syndrome of polycystic ovary, has not yet been clarified. Not so long ago, doctors began to associate polycystosis with a hereditary predisposition, but the gene responsible for this process has not yet been found. The risk group includes women with impaired lipid and carbohydrate metabolism (obesity, diabetes), as well as patients who have undergone abortion, chronic infections, intoxications.

Ovaries produce female hormones (estrogens, progesterone), as well as a small amount of androgens (male hormones). With polycystic disease, the balance is disturbed, and the androgen level is significantly increased. This hormonal failure and becomes the cause of oligo- or anovulation.

Signs of polycystic ovary

  1. Irregular menstrual cycle. The delay or absence of menstruation is the main symptom of polycystosis. Sometimes delays alternate with uterine bleeding. It is worthwhile to consult a doctor if there are less than 9 menstruation per year.
  2. Greasy hair, acne, pimples, seborrhea - these signs of polycystic ovaries are associated with an excess of androgens; symptomatic treatment, they usually do not lend themselves.
  3. Obesity. Rapid causeless weight gain of 10-15 kg signals a hormonal failure. Fat deposits can be distributed evenly or on the waist and abdomen (male type of obesity).
  4. Excessive hair. In connection with the excess of androgens in women, hair growth on the abdomen, shins, and the inner side of the thighs is observed, the "antennae" appear above the upper lip.
  5. Stability of basal temperature. With polycystic morning temperature in the rectum is at an unchanged mark throughout the cycle.

Sometimes, polycystic is accompanied by painful pains in the lower abdomen. In rare cases, the disease is asymptomatic, and then the main sign of polycystic ovary is infertility.