How to choose mountain skiing?

How to choose mountain skiing is not an easy question, but there is an answer to it. The main thing is to give due attention to all the necessary elements and adequately assess your experience. Do not try to start immediately with complex models for pros - they are very dangerous for unprepared people and can cause injury, which is easily avoided by picking up skis that suit you in level.

How to choose the right ski for the level of training?

Your skiing technique plays a significant role in the choice of equipment. There are several types of skis:

Selection of mountain skis: radius of cut

In this case, the selection of mountain skis is based on what you prefer:

Remember that the latest models are always the most reliable and high-quality, so do not prefer old models, especially if you do not plan to change your skis often.

How to choose the right skiing in length?

It is worth taking into account the following features:

  1. If you want a smooth ride at high speeds on flat slopes and confidently brake - your option is long skis. However, they are not adapted for maneuvers. Their length should be equal to your height - this is an option for pros.
  2. If you want to maneuver, feel steady on the bumpy ice surface and ride not too fast - your option is short skis. For beginners, skiing is suitable for a length of 20 cm in centimeters.

The length can be changed gradually, with each new season adding 5-10 centimeters. The shorter your skis, the easier it will be for you to manage them.

Skiing: choice of hardness

When it comes to this parameter, it is worth considering again solely your personal preferences.

The second option is suitable not only for hardcore pros, but for those who feel at an average level, but is not afraid of difficulties and is confident in their abilities.