What is useful for Scandinavian walking with sticks?

Scandinavian walking is also found under other names, such as Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian, but it implies the same kind of walking. This sport is a very successful symbiosis of a casual walk in the fresh air and active physical activity. Classes can be held regardless of the time of year and place of residence. In addition, to engage in this kind of sport, do not need a lot of material costs, for classes it is enough just to pick up ski poles for your growth. In addition to technical convenience, this is a very useful lesson. So, how useful Scandinavian walking with sticks - let's talk further.

The benefits of Nordic walking for health

Speaking about the usefulness of Scandinavian walking , it is worth noting that this kind of walking very positively affects the health and well-being of a person. With systematic training with a measured load, the heart muscle and the vascular system are strengthened. Due to deep and uniform breathing, the lungs are well opened, which makes them healthier and at the same time the work of the entire respiratory system improves.

During one workout, a person can pass quite an impressive distance, during which a constant heart rate is maintained, which allows normalizing blood pressure and lowering the level of bad cholesterol . Also dynamic walking enters into the category of aerobic loads and helps to reduce subcutaneous fat. During this walk 90% of the muscles of the body and most of the joints work, which helps to strengthen the entire skeleton.

Walking with Scandinavian sticks is an ideal alternative to a heavy sport for people with overweight, with diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the elderly. After all, in the hands are constantly supporting poles, which reduce the risk of falling and distribute the load.

Scandinavian walking rules and its benefits

To make walking profitable, you need to master its technique. To begin with, you can try to go the usual step, while carrying the sticks, holding them in the middle, so you will be able to catch the rhythm. Then lower the sticks and, taking a step from the right foot, push off with your left hand, stepping with your left foot, push with your right hand.

When you stand on any leg, you need to do this first on the heel then, rolling over the entire foot, transfer weight to the cushion, and then to your fingers. With the fingers of one leg without stops, you must immediately step on the heel of the next leg.