Tablets from sinusitis

Genyantritis is one of the most complex diseases, which, in addition, is also very difficult to cure. If therapy is not started on time, medical treatment in most cases can be forgotten - relief will come only after surgery. In the early stages of taking tablets from sinusitis is completely justified. And the most effective medicines will be if you combine them with local procedures, such as inhalation, washing, instillation.

What tablets can I drink with genyantritis?

The choice of medications is carried out for each patient individually. Typically, treatment involves achieving several goals:

To perform all of the above, you can come in handy such tablets from sinusitis:

The names of antibacterial and antiviral tablets from sinusitis

Antibiotics for bacterial sinusitis are prescribed quite often. They very quickly - within a week or ten days - eliminate foci of infection. The best representatives of their category are:

But drugs are not suitable for everyone. They can not be taken to patients with disorders of liver and kidney function, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

If the disease is not caused by bacteria, but by viruses, then antiviral tablets will be needed to treat sinusitis - Sinupret, for example. This is one of the most popular medicines. It is based on an active substance of plant origin. Therefore, the drug can be taken in different patient groups.

List of mucolytics tablets from sinusitis

The main task of mucolytics is to change the composition of mucus, which is produced in the maxillary sinuses. Due to the fact that the discharge becomes more liquid, they exit the nose much faster.

The best drugs that have mucolytic effects are:

Unfortunately, they are contraindicated in treatment:

Antipyretic tablets against sinusitis

As soon as the swelling is eliminated, blood supply is reduced in the maxillary sinuses. And this, in turn, leads to a decrease in nasal congestion.

It was best to recommend yourself such an adrenomimetic as Nazivin. Most other similar medicines are available in the form of drops and sprays for topical administration.

Effective tablets-analgesics from symptoms of genyantritis

Of course, you can not cure maxillary sinusitis with analgesics alone. But they will help to significantly alleviate the patient's condition: eliminate the pain syndrome, lower the temperature.

The most famous means:

Take all these medications should only be agreed with the doctor and not longer than a week. Otherwise, accustoming may occur.

There are other medicines that may be are effective in sinusitis, but have not yet received wide recognition. Among them: