How to quit smoking and not gain weight?

"If you quit smoking - you'll get fat" - how many women because of this common phrase refused to move to a healthy lifestyle. Yes, and the complaint of a friend that after she quit smoking, she began to recover, also does not inspire enthusiasm. However, do not despair: if you stop smoking properly, then no set of body weight will be.

Can I recover after quitting smoking?

In fact, when you quit smoking you do not get fat: weight is gained only if there is a lot, and this has nothing to do with the presence or absence of nicotine in the body.

Cigarettes also do not affect the acceleration of metabolism, and even on the contrary, slow down, so the stereotype that smoking contributes to losing weight - is not true.

Nevertheless, many smokers have noticed that this harmful habit is somehow connected with a change in body weight, so let's figure out what the secret is.

Why do some get better when they stop smoking?

The set or weight reduction due to smoking is not affected by any physiological factor. Psychology plays a big role here: when a person smokes, the need for food decreases because his attention is distracted, moreover, this process is often accompanied by tea drinking, which also reduces appetite. That is why it is easier to lose weight during smoking: the nervous system calms down, and a cup of tea without sugar does not contribute to excess kilograms and simultaneously "calms" the stomach.

Since parting with a long habit is a painful and long process, it is natural, it will be accompanied by stress. This condition can lead to increased appetite, which contributes to completeness. Also those minutes that were devoted to smoking, now there is nothing to occupy, and a person can find a substitute for food. People who could not control themselves in consuming food while giving up smoking, most often, gained weight.

How to quit smoking and not gain weight to a girl?

The more "experience" of the smoker, the more difficult it is to part with this habit. And it's not about getting used to nicotine: cigarettes are a big danger precisely because they cause psychological dependence, which is the hardest way to get rid of.

First you need to accurately identify for yourself, why should you quit smoking: harm to health? unpleasant smell of clothes? condemnation of society? too expensive? .. Evaluate the entire chain of negative factors, which leads to smoking and "live" with them for several weeks, sometimes remembering them, and let these thoughts become your life position. Then you can start to gradually wean, each time reducing the dose of nicotine.

In addition to psychological work on yourself, you can apply several other effective ways that will help get rid of smoking.

So, how to stop smoking a woman with a diet and exercise that will help not gain weight:

  1. A diet for quitting smoking. Doctors recommend adhering to a low-calorie diet during quitting. Do not cut from the shoulder - the basis of success in this matter: you do not need to quit smoking at the same time and limit yourself to eating. Limit food first, then cigarettes. Refuse from flour, sweet and fat, but when you want to eat something "tasty" - do not refuse, and take an apple, carrots or an orange - that contains few calories. The basis of the diet should be vegetable food, rich in vitamin C.
  2. Exercises for those who quit smoking. Some scientists believe that physical activity helps quit smoking. Since sports help, in addition to this, weight loss, it is advisable to give time to any exercises that suit you depending on the constitution and physical fitness. The ideal way to quit smoking for women is by doing yoga, because these practices are not only about the body, but also about breathing, so the lungs will recover more quickly. They soothe the nervous system and improve overall tone. First you need to perform several asanas, giving them 5-6 minutes a day, and gradually this time to increase.

Hint: To quit smoking faster, think about statistics: every year 6 million people die from diseases caused by constant smoking - this is half of those who suffer from nicotine addiction. 80% of them live in developing countries.