Where is the most calcium?

Calcium is the most important chemical element for the body, which forms the basis of teeth and bones, providing normal coagulation of blood, hormone production and muscle contraction. On the day a child needs 600 to 800 ml of calcium, an adult 1000 mg, and pregnant women twice as much. Therefore it is very important to know where the most calcium is, to prevent its deficiency in the body.

What is the most calcium?

Everyone knows from childhood that this mineral is extremely rich in dairy products, which is why they form the basis of the ration of children in schools and kindergartens. And let the milk occupy far not the leading position in this list, moreover, with age it begins to be worse absorbed, other dairy products can be considered as the main source of this mineral. If we speculate which dairy products contain more calcium, then it turns out that calcium is less in the products of whey processing - cheeses and curds, than in raw materials, but considering that producers additionally add calcium chloride during their manufacture, it turns out that in the final there are more products of this mineral.

Those who are interested in which cheese is the most calcium, it is worth paying attention to Parmesan, containing 1300 mg of this mineral per 100 g of product. Some plants and beans that were not only inferior to products of animal origin, but also significantly ahead of them, were neglected. So, in 100 g of poppy contains about 1.5 g of calcium, and in sesame seeds - 800 mg. Those who ask, in which nuts more calcium , you can answer that in almonds - 265 mg per 100 g. It is present in pistachios, walnuts, hazelnuts.

Who would have thought that this mineral is very much in nettles - 713 mg per 100 grams, and in plantain 412 mg - almost as much as in sardines in oil. But the fruits with a large content of calcium found more difficult. Especially a lot of this mineral in dried apricots and dried apricots - 120-150 mg per 100 g.