Goji berries - harm

Literally a few years ago the whole world blew up the news of a miracle cure for slimming: goji berries. Even if you do not know what it is, we are sure: this phrase is for sure for your hearing. In this article, we would like to tell you about whether goji berries are harmful.

What are the goji berries?

To begin with, we would like to introduce readers to what is the goji berries. These are small berries of red-orange color of derevy, Tibetan barberry. In China, this shrub is in great esteem and is not surprising, because it has various useful properties. Especially the goji berries have gained popularity as a powerful and effective means for losing weight.

These berries are considered fruits of longevity, their use increases sexual desire, improves libido, memory and has a rejuvenating effect.

Goji berries normalize the work of the intestines and have a beneficial effect on digestion and metabolism. But goji berries can be harmful to health. We suggest you consider the harmful properties and contraindications.

This product should be used with great care, because despite all the useful properties, it has a number of indications, which must necessarily be read.

What is harmful goji berries?

What harm is possible from the use of goji berries? When introducing goji berries into your diet, it is very important to observe the dosage and not be addicted to their excessive use. Overdose can trigger insomnia and sleep dysfunction. If you start to notice that it is more difficult to fall asleep, then you need to take berries in the morning. Also berries can lead you to increased nervous excitability.

At elevated body temperature, it is not recommended to eat either pure berries or their broth: wait until the temperature is normal, and only then continue to take them.

Tibetan barberry can cause an allergic reaction, so if you are prone to food allergies, be extremely careful: there may be an individual intolerance to the fruit.

If you suffer from hypertension or diabetes, before you start eating goji berries, you need to consult your doctor, as berries can actively interact with medications.

Of course, it is necessary to exclude the use of this product for pregnant women, as well as for nursing mothers, in order to avoid the development of allergies in the child.

If you take anticoagulants, goji berries are strictly contraindicated to you, since they can cause extensive bleeding, which will be difficult to stop.

In some people, goji berries cause diarrhea, bloating and flatulence, and vomiting and nausea are also possible. If you notice such side effects in your life - postpone the reception of Tibetan barberry until the moment when your body is normal.

The fruits of the common tree affect the effect of drugs and affect the liver. These drugs include diclofenac, ibuprofen, losartan and other medications. If you suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, you should also be careful, as they can also cause diarrhea and vomiting.

By the way, it is believed that the dried fruits of Tibetan barberry do not cause side effects in humans, unlike fresh fruits and broths. If you decide to still eat goji berries, then we advise you to introduce them gradually into your daily diet: use fruits as seasonings to main courses, add to tea, cocktails, pastries. After a lapse of time, if you do not show any side effects, you can start eating raw berries on a small handful a day.