Yoga for pregnant women

Many women, being pregnant, believe that all they can do for a child is to eat right. In fact, this is not so. The more active the lifestyle you lead, the more your body will be prepared for childbirth, the easier it will be. Regular walks in the fresh air and playing sports will not only help to avoid back pain, constipation, impaired posture and many other troubles, but also increase the tone of the uterus, which makes you give birth to a baby without much pain.

Can pregnant women do yoga?

Yoga for pregnant women is one of the most preferred types of physical activity. After all, if other sports take away physical strength from you, they expend it - then yoga for pregnant women, on the contrary, helps you relax and feel a surge of energy. In addition, the elasticity of the muscles increases, which means that you do not risk damaging them at the time of delivery.

In addition, it is very important and the fact that yoga postures for pregnant women contribute to the preservation or acquisition of emotional balance. Everyone knows that the less stress during pregnancy - the healthier the baby and the easier changes in the body of the future mother. In addition, regular classes will make you more good-natured, calm, unperturbed and relaxed, and this is an incredibly important condition for a person in general, and not just in such a crucial period of life. Many future mothers told us that it was the yoga classes that helped them get rid of depression and feelings of helplessness, to feel respect for themselves and even a certain pride and pleasure from their "interesting" position.

It is also important that yoga courses for pregnant women allow you to establish the right hormonal balance in the body, which means that you do not risk losing your child even during "critical periods" that are especially dangerous in the development of your baby.

Many women who practice the yoga complex for pregnant women note that with the help of such exercises they managed to alleviate or even completely eliminate the toxicosis, get rid of the heaviness in the lower back, prevent swelling of the legs and widen the veins on them, and improve the functioning of the intestines (it's no secret, that since the sixth month, many expectant mothers are suffering from constipation).

Even if you are engaged in yoga for pregnant women at home, and not in special groups, you can avoid excess weight gain, which will help you to restore the figure after giving birth.

It is easy to understand that practicing yoga for pregnant women is a direct way to feeling like a happy future mother who will not meet the most common problems accompanying the pregnancy of others who are less serious about their health.

Yoga for pregnant women: contraindications

Yoga for pregnant women offers exercises that can not harm you or your baby. However, there is a list of precautions here:

  1. Watch your breathing carefully! It should not be harbored or interrupted. The diaphragm should be soft and loose, and breathing easy.
  2. If previously you had miscarriages, avoid standing poses, preferring sitting and lying.
  3. If any of the asanas seems uncomfortable to you, do not try to make it through force, it is better to replace it with another, more comfortable option for you.
  4. Do not try to do anything beyond your abilities - you need to bend and stretch as far as you can without leaving the comfort zone.
  5. Take care not to squeeze the urinary system, do not feel the urge to go to the toilet.

Yoga for pregnant women is a great way to not only watch your health, but also to truly enjoy this amazing period of your life!