Dream interpretation - the sea and how to interpret dreams about the sea?

Sonnik argues that the nightmares about the sea testify: in a person's life there comes a time when he depends not only on his strength, but also on other circumstances. The interpretations are also based on the subjects of the vision, on the image of the element itself: affectionate or formidable. But all astrologers agree on one thing: a dream about the sea is an important warning.

Why dream of a clean sea?

There is a version that in dreams about sea beauties our expectations and dreams were embodied: a quiet surface of water - to wonderful changes in life, and raging waves - to trouble. Such stereotypes were created for centuries, because people always not only respected this element, but also were afraid, trying to propitiate the sea gods. The times have changed, but the attitude to visions remains. Dream interpreters give several explanations for what the sea dreamed of, in which the water is clean and transparent:

Some prophets see in the calm sea and anxious notes for the dreamer, such as:

  1. Alienation in a relationship. If in the near future it will be possible to abstain from quarrels, the cooling itself will come to naught.
  2. The solution of important issues can be stalled, calm at sea is associated with stagnation in business.
  3. It's time to think about revaluing values , not to drive sad thoughts, but to analyze them.

Why dream of a dirty sea?

To see dirty water in a dream is considered a bad sign, the same applies to the sea. Muddy sea in a dream - a signal about a possible quarrel with friends, relatives or co-workers. Some dream books advise to prepare for the dangers that can lie in wait in reality. Astrologers give several interpretations of this dream:

Why dream of the blue sea?

The most beautiful and pleasant dream is azure to the horizon, the tender sun and the surf. Why does the blue sea dream? It has long been known that calm, blue sea water personified for our ancestors a rich catch - for good. Today it is associated with the best impressions of the summer holiday. Therefore, the interpretation of the dream is very bright:

If small waves are visible on the surface of the water, it speaks of creative inspiration, of seeing in a dream a light storm of the blue sea - to an explosion of pleasant emotions. And to see in the sea of ​​fish - to fulfill the desire. According to the dream book, the sea has other interpretations, less pleasant, which depend on the actions of the dreamer:

Why does the green sea dream?

The shade of sea water plays an important role, some emerald waves are dreamed of. What does it mean to see a sea of ​​green in a dream? For some reason, most of the dream books mark the unpleasant sign:

Why the cold sea

But if the glacial waters of the Antarctic suddenly caught on, it's time to be alert. Everything that is related to the colds is always treated by astrologers is not very positive and such a dream is no exception. What is the dream of a frozen sea? The stars say that the sea open spaces, covered with ice, confirm the unfulfillment of strong desires. If the ice fetters the surface only near the shore, some of the plans will come true. As for the actions of the dreamer:

  1. Faced an iceberg - wait for unpleasant news about your loved one.
  2. Diving under the ice - will have to risk themselves for the sake of relatives;
  3. Walk on the frozen sea - you will soon be in the spotlight;
  4. See how the ice breaks into the sea - you will cause the ruin of someone's plans.

It happens that a dreamer encounters a cold sea, without ice. Has risked such a swim - can overcome the fear of obstacles. The water is clean - the barriers will be small, if muddy and dirty - may not be on the shoulder. When the morning beach is dreaming with still unheated seawater, this indicates that soon the situation will develop when the subordination in the relationship will be in the first place.

Why dream at sea?

The most pleasant dream is about rest on the sea coast, it's a pity that awakening will be a bit sad. But you can be comforted by favorable forecasts. Why dream of resting on the sea?

  1. We should expect cheerful surprises and entertainment.
  2. If you dream a family vacation, then soon you have to take care of loved ones.
  3. If on vacation - a warm sun, clear water and a soft breeze to the beach, then you can safely expect in the future to full well-being.

Why dream of swimming in the sea?

Another of the pleasant visions is sea bathing, provided that the water is affectionate and warm and since in most cases people dream about the resort option of bathing, astrologers call this dream a pleasant omen. Why dream of swimming in the sea? The interpretation depends on the actions of the participants in dreams:

  1. Seeing how someone bathes - can help a friend cope with a difficult problem.
  2. Itself to splash in the sea waves - all plans are implemented successfully, you can expect money profit .
  3. Swim in the calm sea - to fast travel or important changes in destiny.
  4. To dissect waves into a storm - to a romantic adventure.
  5. Swim in the sea in a dream with someone - there will be a faithful adherent. For a girl to frolic in the waves with a man - will soon enter into an spiritually compatible marriage.
  6. If you saw in the dream how many people bathe - it will be possible to successfully apply their talents.

Why dream of drowning in the sea?

Drowning in the sea in a dream or seeing how others are drowning is no less unpleasant sight than in reality. Therefore, there can be no expectation of positive omens, but astrologers warn: it is not a question of an imminent death, but of an important warning that plays a special role. So it's worth remembering the details of the dream, and its plot. Dream interpretation "sea" gives such an interpretation:

  1. To see from the side, as you drown yourself - to great financial troubles, large loans are not excluded.
  2. At work, you can expect an off-schedule "avar".
  3. Drown in muddy water, but at the last moment to swim out - to the difficulties that will be overcome.
  4. If you throw a lifebuoy - you have to get into debt, but friends will pay off.
  5. If you dreamed in the dream, how you went to the bottom - to an accident or illness.

Why is the tide at sea?

To see a sea with waves in a dream - to restless events in life, the higher the waves, the more difficult it will be. If the water is muddy - you can not do without gossip, you should be careful in talking with colleagues. If the waves are transparent, routine problems will become apparent. And what does the sea mean in a dream at a high tide: when water arrives it is to the peak of luck in business, favorable new circumstances will appear. If the sea level rises quickly, with foam - it is worth waiting for emotional experiences, there may be troubles. A gentle, gentle tide promises a pleasant rest.

Why dream of a calm sea?

To see a calm sea in a dream is a good omen. Some astrologers explain this vision with the need to bring a little excitement and adrenaline into their lives. But most predictors agree that the sea surface without waves is a symbol of a happy life. Or the evidence that a white band will soon appear in business, things will go well. It is possible to receive long-awaited news. But dipping into the water during a calm - already indicates a future change in life.

Why does a storm at sea look like?

The storm at sea for our ancestors was an alarming sign, in reality this phenomenon promised a lot of harm to the inhabitants of seaside villages and those who were far from the coast. Therefore, the interpretation of such a vision remains unpleasant. Why dream of the sea with the waves:

The interpretation also depends on the plot and the time of sleep:

  1. To see someone's death during a storm - to the death of relatives.
  2. If waves with huge foam caps - to deceptive hopes.
  3. The sea storm had a dream from Thursday to Friday - to sad news from afar, and from Friday to Saturday - to quarrel with a friend.
  4. The dreamer is in a storm on the shore - evidence that the troubles will be bypassed.
  5. The storm destroyed your home - to great trouble, moreover, friends are unlikely to be able to provide support and help.
  6. See how a sea storm drowns a ship - to tangible loss of money.

What is the dream of a dried-up sea?

Dream interpretation of the plot about the sea contains many different interpretations. If you look at seawater - to the news from distant relatives, then look at the surf - to the expected solution of the problems, which will happen by itself. Very rarely people dream of a dry sea, this is considered a very unfavorable sign. Astrologers converge in the omen that the dreamer expect hard times, it is possible that in all spheres of life. Such a dream about the sea can portend both monetary difficulties, and the collapse of a career, and problems in the family . But if you heed this warning and take action, it's possible to avoid troubles.