Lactase insufficiency in children

Lactase deficiency in children is the inability of the body to digest milk sugar (lactose), due to the deficiency of the enzyme lactase in the small intestine.

Forms of lactase deficiency

Lactase insufficiency happens:

Important lactase deficiency has in the first months of life, when the child eats only the mother's milk. After two years, the production of lactase gradually decreases and the adult person is practically not produced.

Symptoms of lactase deficiency in children

Signs of deficiency of lactase in a child are as follows:

It is worth noting that only these signs of lactase deficiency in a child can not be reliable. It is mandatory to analyze feces for carbohydrates, pH analysis of feces, genetic and respiratory tests can be performed to confirm the diagnosis.

How to get rid of lactase deficiency?

Nutrition of the child with lactase deficiency becomes proper and the treatment of this condition. It should be remembered that the decision on the complete transfer of the baby from Mama's breast milk to the lactose-free mixture is taken only by the doctor. Most often, the replacement occurs in part, since breast milk already contains lactase and the child's state smoothly returns to normal. With dysbiosis, probiotics are additionally used.