Is it possible to pump the press during pregnancy?

The new status of the future mother obliges a woman to reconsider her way of life and habits. This also applies to physical activities. More often with a question, whether it is possible to swing a press during pregnancy, the girl, accustomed to support the figure in the excellent form address to the gynecologist. Let's try to expand this topic of interest to many.

Is it possible to pump the press during planning and early pregnancy?

To facilitate childbirth and the process of bearing a baby, strong abdominal muscles will help, women know about it, who approach planning with all responsibility. Of course, active ladies involved in sports long before the question of the birth of a child on the agenda may not worry. Most likely such persons the doctor will recommend for a while to reduce a load. As for women unprepared, starting training during planning does not make sense, since it will hardly be possible to strengthen muscles in such a short period, and the probable overstrain of the organism can not affect the ability to conceive in the best way. However, with a great desire to start training, you can, but the load must be individually selected by the trainer, who should be aware of the planning of pregnancy.

Other question, whether it is possible to swing a press at pregnancy on early terms. Here doctors are more categorical. Even to avid athletes and fitness lovers, they recommend not to perform exercises on the press (especially the lower of the lying position). Since in the first months after conception the fetus is vulnerable enough and at the slightest overstrain the threat of miscarriage increases at times. Of course, if you can not completely give up training, you need to reduce the load as much as possible, change the set of exercises taking into account the new situation, and always consult your doctor about this. It is strictly forbidden to pump the press during pregnancy to women unprepared, as well as those with a diagnosed threat of interruption, there are pains, spotting and general malaise.

Is it possible to pump the press late?

With the increase in the gestation period, it's already about the fourth month that light physical exercises on the press are allowed. But only after the permission of the doctor and under the supervision of an experienced coach. In the event of the slightest indisposition, rapid heartbeat, headache, shortness of breath, painfulness, the activity should be stopped.

In conclusion, it is important to note that it is better to replace physical activity with pediatric walks, yoga and gymnastics for pregnant women , as exercise exercises on the press can have negative consequences, for women who were not engaged in sports prior to pregnancy, both in early and late periods.