Can I have a shish kebab?

With the onset of the spring-summer season, a large number of families and friendly companies go out of town to relax in nature and taste a delicious and incredibly nutritious shish kebab. Many future mothers also want to pamper themselves with meat cooked on the grill, however, they are afraid to do this because they do not know how this dish will affect the health and life of the baby.

In this article, we will tell you whether pregnant women can have shish kebab from pork, chicken and other types of meat, and how to cook it properly so as not to harm the fetus.

Can I eat shish kebab during pregnancy?

Since the expectant mother needs a lot of protein in the waiting period of the baby, she needs to constantly eat meat cooked in various ways. In particular, a woman in an "interesting" position can eat and barbecue, but only in the event that during his cooking, certain requirements were met, namely:

In addition, expectant mothers are also often interested in the question of whether pregnant women can have shish kebab with vinegar. In fact, in this dish there is absolutely nothing terrible for women in the "interesting" position and unborn babies, however, just like any other kinds of shish kebab, it should be eaten in small amounts - no more than 150-200 grams per week .

Excessive consumption of meat cooked on the grill, greatly increases the load on the digestive tract, so it can be dangerous even for an ordinary person, not to mention a pregnant woman.