Chlamydia in pregnancy

Various viral and infectious processes in the female sexual sphere are encountered quite often. The reasons for this are many - the weakness of the immune system, the disorderly change of partners, other factors. Almost all these diseases can be cured by using antibiotics of a wide spectrum. But what to do if they have found chlamydia in pregnancy, not everyone knows. Let's figure this out.

How do chlamydia manifest in pregnant women?

Depending on the type of disease, the symptoms of chlamydia during pregnancy are different. After all, there is a chronic chlamydia, which for years can not show itself in any way. And during the passage of the prescribed tests, suddenly, a disease is found. A woman may not even pay attention to slightly increased excretions, writing off this for a normal state.

But if the infection has occurred recently or it has become aggravated, due to some factors, unpleasant symptoms manifest themselves quite brightly, both during pregnancy and at any other time. These are pains in the lower abdomen from blunt, aching, to acute, profuse vaginal discharge. If the infection has penetrated deep into the ascending, the pain in the appendages is typical because of the inflammatory process in them. The uterus itself, its muscular layer and tubes can also be affected.

How do they detect chlamydia?

Unfortunately, it is impossible to make sure that pathogens are present through the smear. Only in 30% of cases it is found, and in the remaining 70% - it is not found. This is due to the fact that chlamydia migrate and may not be located where the smear is taken at the moment.

The most reliable diagnosis of chlamydia in women during pregnancy is their detection in the blood. But this analysis does not always give the right result - it can be false positive. To verify the presence or absence of the disease, it is necessary to undergo a survey repeatedly, but even better, just a few different, for greater reliability.

The best is considered a blood test for immunoglobulins - antibodies to chlamydia. The detection of small concentration indicates the carrier of a woman. But if there is a big deviation from the normative indicators - an active inflammatory process due to chlamydia, or primary infection. It is desirable that the same analysis made all members of the family pregnant, and children as well.

Although the smear is considered to be of little informative, it should also be given for a better picture of the presence of chlamydia infection. Still it is possible to hand over immuno-enzymatic analysis ( IFA ) or in the presence of an unlimited budget - a PCR analysis conducted on the principle of DNA, the result of which is as true as possible and today such a test is the most reliable of all available.

Consequences of chlamydia in pregnancy

Nobody can say with 100% probability, what consequences from a clamidiosis can expect mum and the kid. But most often doctors have to face the following:

Treatment of chlamydia in pregnancy

If the chlamydia are in the stage of carriage, that is, in a small concentration, then this condition does not require treatment. He is appointed after the birth or even after the end of breastfeeding. But if there is a reactive stage or primary infection during pregnancy, the patient is given a short course of antibiotics.

Do not be afraid of treatment, because the risk for the fetus from the presence of chlamydia is much higher. Moreover, antibacterial drugs that are used for this do not pass the placental barrier.