Pregnancy by twins

Children born from a multiple pregnancy are called twins or twins (triplets). And there are two ways of development of pregnancy by twins: dizygotic (double-sided) twins and identical twins.

What is the difference between twins and twins?

In the case of double-jawed twins, a woman matures simultaneously two or more ova in one or both ovaries, which subsequently successfully fertilize. Sometimes the time of their fertilization is different for several hours or even days. Born children can have the same sex or be of different sexes. In doing so, they have each their own individual set of chromosomes, so they often do not look very much alike, although some similarity is undoubtedly observed.

With monozygotic (odnoyaytsevymi) twins, the situation is as follows: one egg is fertilized by one spermatozoon. After that, the zygote is divided into two separate embryos, which develop and grow into two adorable babies. At the same time as a result of this pregnancy, boys are often born, which are practically copies of each other.

Complications of the development of twins (twins)

Among other likely complications of multiple pregnancies is the dissociated development of twins. Dissociated twins are a delay in the growth of one of the fruits. That is, one of the children develops better, suppressing the second. The most dangerous option is when one-tenthed twins with one placenta feed on each other. In this case, the life of both kids is in danger.

Another type of complication is the Siamese twins. This kind of twins are identical twins, fused with each other. The reason for this phenomenon in the untimely splitting of the zygote into 2 independent forms. Fortunately, this phenomenon occurs in just 1 case out of 10 million.