Strong conspiracy for luck

Words have great power over people. First of all, words affect our self-esteem . After all, even in school years, if you were praised only once by the teacher, you will always come to his subject with complete confidence in your talents. We believe in words, so why do not we convince ourselves of our own luck?

A strong conspiracy for luck will only work when you sincerely believe that after the ritual, Fortune will face you. If you believe, she will do it.

Conspiracy Reading Rules

Even the strongest conspiracy for luck does not work, if you treat the ritual of conducting and training scornfully. In this case, for a conspiracy, you will need to go to the church (any) before sunset. Go around it three times counter-clockwise and stop at the main entrance, cross yourself and say the words of a very strong conspiracy for luck:

"I'll be blessed to go cross-crossing, from the door at the door to the east side. On the east side stands the holy church. In the church - the throne, on the throne - the Mother of God.

I pray to you, Most Holy Theotokos. I, the Most-Holy Mother of God, will submit to you: help me to get rid of my misfortune, help me to get rid of my misfortunes, find my money, return my money back to me.

Save my money. Protect my family. Be, my words, strong, modeling, harder than stone. Amen".

Then go around the church three times clockwise, cross and read the conspiracy again.

If someone asks for a donation from the church - give it back to you a hundredfold. If there is no one near the church, and you have not seen anyone asking, then after reading the plot, throw a coin on the ground and say the following:

"He will fall to the ground, he will repay me a hundredfold. Amen".

Plots of this kind act as amulets of bad luck and ills in life. After reading the sacred words and performing a magical ritual, you surround yourself with a halo of protection.