Acute pancreatitis - treatment

The first thing to do if you suspect acute pancreatitis is to call an ambulance. The doctor can easily diagnose the disease. Most likely, the treatment will need to be carried out in a hospital.

Treatment for acute pancreatitis

Conservative treatment of acute pancreatitis will be more effective if it is started on time. More than 70% of patients manage to avoid surgery, with full compliance with all emergency measures in case of an attack.

In the first few days, a strict fasting (including drinking) is prescribed, and the stomach contents are vacuum-cleaned. Depending on the severity of inflammation of the pancreas, it lasts from 2 to 3 days. In especially severe cases (pancreonecrosis) fasting can be prescribed up to 10 days. As a rule, a container with cold water or ice is placed on the stomach. The course of further treatment depends on the ability to relieve the pain syndrome, as well as the likelihood of developing pancreatic necrosis (death of the gland tissue) and purulent complications.

Medical treatment of acute pancreatitis

To ease the pain intravenously injected papaverine, but-shpu or more powerful painkillers and antispasmodics. Often with very severe pain syndromes, drugs based on morphine are administered. Since one of the symptoms of an attack of acute pancreatitis is increased anxiety, prescribe sedatives. They play an important role in the course of arresting an attack and further treatment of acute pancreatitis. Nervousness and anxiety increase the secretion of pancreatic juice, which greatly aggravates the course of the disease.

Enzyme preparations for the treatment of acute pancreatitis are prescribed for replenishment of insufficient activity of the pancreas patient - creon, mezim, pancreatin and others. The amount and type of enzymes are determined by the attending physician on the basis of the results of the analyzes. As a preventive goal of the development of bacterial infection in pancreatic necrosis, a course of antibiotics may be prescribed.

Surgical treatment of acute pancreatitis

Often, acute pancreatitis requires urgent surgical intervention. As a rule, in severe cases, sphincterotomy is performed - an expansion of the outflow path of the pancreas. Surgical treatment of acute pancreatitis becomes a necessity also in the absence of improvements one week after the start of treatment. In this case, the defective necrosis of the gland tissue is removed. Sometimes the operation is performed if it is not possible to remove the pain syndrome by any kinds of drugs. In this case, cut off the nerve channels that give the pain impulse.

Acute pancreatitis - treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is based on rich experience and long-term use of methods of treatment. But to apply folk therapy in case of pancreatitis is allowed only after returning from the hospital. It is important to remember that the standards for the treatment of acute pancreatitis exclude any delay in medical care.

If you have been diagnosed with acute pancreatitis, treatment with folk remedies can bring some relief to the course of recovery. These methods are good in the prevention of recurrence of an attack or for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. Among the most popular folk remedies for pancreatitis are:

It is also recommended to eat buckwheat porridge, which has a valuable property to clean the bile ducts, and this in turn improves the work of the affected gland.

Diet in the treatment of acute pancreatitis

Within 6 months after the attack, patients with pancreatitis are recommended special nutrition. DETA excludes:

Food is better to take in a crushed form, steamed. The temperature of the dishes should not exceed 40 ° C, and also be too low.