Braga made from jam

Braga is a popular alcoholic drink, which came to us from ancient times. It was made in ancient Russia from various juices: birch, maple, etc. This intoxicating drink some still make from different raw materials at home. It is also used as the main component for distilling moonshine. In its pure form, this drink is not stored for long - it is recommended to use it immediately after preparation. Let's consider with you the recipes for brewing jam from jam.

Recipe brags from jam



Let's figure out how to make a brag of jam. We combine the jam with sugar, pour in warm boiled water and stir until the grains are completely dissolved. Add fresh yeast and pour the resulting liquid into a large container. Cover it loosely with a lid and put it for 2-3 days in a warm place, for fermentation. As soon as the fermentation process is over, filter the mixture through gauze into a clean jar, add a little more sugar to taste and leave another day for 3. During this time, you should form a sediment on the bottom of the jar. After the time has elapsed, we drain the prepared brew from the sediment and remove it into the refrigerator. The drink should be quite strong and pleasant to the taste. That's all, braga for moonshine from the jam is ready!

Braga from jam without yeast



Let's consider one more option, how to cook braga from jam. We take the old jam, dilute it with water, add the raisins and put it for a few days for fermentation. Raisins in advance are not mine, so as not to wash off the dried yeast on the surface of the dried berries. After the end of fermentation, the domestic wine is filtered, poured into bottles and clogged with stoppers.

Braga made of raspberry jam



Let's look at a simple way how to put braga out of raspberry jam . So, in advance we prepare well-washed and capacious capacity - a glass winery bottle, or a jar for milk. If you plan to make a little brag, then there will be enough three-liter cans. We put in an old jar, candied jam and pour it with cold boiled water. Now we pour sugar in the sand so that the mare will taste sweet, but not cloying. If desired, you can also add raisins or crushed berries and sweet fruit. Next, put the tank on a weak fire and, constantly stirring, warm up the mixture. Turn off the heat and let the liquid cool down a little. Meanwhile we are preparing the leaven: fresh yeast is bred in warm water until homogeneity. Gently pour the leaven into the mash and mix everything thoroughly. We carefully put the mass in the fermentation tank and put it on the water seal. We remove the jar in a warm place or just put it closer to the battery. We give the jam from jam a good fermentation - usually it takes 8-15 days. Do not forget to stir the wort daily with a special oar or wooden stick.

After the time has elapsed, we remove the fermented liquid from the sediment, scooping it out with a small ladle or using a special rubber hose. Then carefully strain the jam from the jam through a fine sieve or a white flannel sack. That's all, a delicious and flavorful alcoholic beverage is ready. It is used rather cloudy, but the purified clear moonshine will be obtained from you only as a result of the subsequent distillation of the berg.