Home Cognac

To prepare an alternative, home brandy, you will need patience, rather than any special skills of the technologist distillery. We offer you three completely different versions of the preparation of this drink.

The recipe for homemade cognac from alcohol



In the preparation of this drink, there are two main ingredients, the quality of which ultimately depends on the result. It's alcohol and water, we start with alcohol, its quality almost always corresponds to the percentage, the higher the percentage of pure alcohol, the better its quality. Water, it should ideally be spring, soft and with a minimum of salts. Probably, it is best to choose a bottled neutral, without any taste, for the mixing procedure it must necessarily be chilled. And in any case, do not use plain water from a tap, simple or boiled, you will simply spoil such a cheap product as alcohol.

There is still a very important condition for mixing, in addition to cooling water, you need to pour alcohol into the water, and not vice versa, this is an unshakable rule. It may not seem significant to someone, but without going into chemistry, just say, if done on the contrary, the reaction will go wrong, the alcohol will become turbid and later leave its sharp alcohol taste. If you have another percentage of alcohol you can refer to the Fertman table, it simply and intelligibly describes the proportions of water to a certain alcohol to achieve the desired result. After mixing alcohol with water a few more days passes the reaction, so it is advisable to suffer at least three days, but this is not a dogma.

So, in the prepared, cooled water you bought, pour in a thin stream of alcohol, add all the remaining ingredients, stir preferably with a wooden spoon until the sugar dissolves, and put the lid on a cool, about 4 degrees, dark place. In the conditions of an apartment, it is likely to be a refrigerator, your drink should stand for at least 10 days after which it must be filtered and bottled.

How to make cognac from vodka with prunes at home - fast recipe



This recipe does not provide for any special preparatory actions or calculations, except to guess with the amount of spices for your taste needs. And just reminds the instruction of a young chemist, mix all the ingredients in a jar, stirring before dissolving the sugar. And one more little nuance, thread the tea bag with a lid, just so it will be easier to get it. And after a day you will get a decent tincture to taste like cognac.

Homemade cognac made of moonshine on oak bark



Moonshine for the preparation of this drink must be very good at least two runs, so that its purity was as good as possible. In this case, you will definitely need an alcoholometer to achieve a result of 40 to 45% of the ratio of alcohol to water with the help of Fertman's table. If your moonshine is 70%, then we have already calculated the required amount of water and indicated in the ingredients. Moonshine here as an alcohol, therefore, as in the first recipe, for mixing it is necessary to pour it into chilled water, and not vice versa. Sugar should be mixed with the same amount of water and brought to the stove to the state of caramel, trying not to overexpose, which can lead to a bitter taste. Then send the caramel to the jar with the already stirred mug and mix it until it dissolves completely. The bark needs to be slightly burned, but in no case can it be ignited, just by heating, substances so necessary for the preparation of the future drink are released. Then add all the other ingredients, mix and put in a dark, cool place for at least a month.