Tea with lemon - good, harm and ways of making a tasty drink

Tea with lemon is loved by many for its simultaneously sour and sweet taste. Drink this drink all over the world, adding various ingredients from the traditional sweetener - sugar, to seasonings like cinnamon, mint, ginger. This is an excellent means of increasing the strength of organisms, and just a very delicious drink.

Tea with lemon - good and bad

In the winter cold season, many prefer to drink tea with lemon, the benefits of such a drink is obvious:

  1. Citric acid dilutes the astringency of welding.
  2. Vitamin C, which is a part of citrus, has a beneficial effect on the body's defenses and skin conditions, and the welding itself is a source of cheerfulness for the whole day.
  3. Tea with lemon reduces the severity of inflammatory processes in diseases of the throat and respiratory tract.
  4. This drink is suitable for unloading days, because it increases the speed of the intestine and speeds up the metabolism.

However, this drink can do much harm:

  1. Contraindicated such a tea for those who have allergies to vitamin C and in general to citrus fruits.
  2. Contraindicated to add lemon in the drink and those who have increased gastric acidity, gastritis and even more ulcer.
  3. If you drink tea with lemon more than five to six cups a day, this instead of a charge of vivacity will appear drowsy and negative productivity.

How to make a delicious tea with lemon?

Tea with lemon juice or a slice of this ripe citrus must be prepared correctly. It's not enough just to cut off a piece of lemon and put it in the finished tea. In order for the taste to open, it is recommended to prepare the fruit for use: rinse it with hot water to get rid of the wax, which is often covered with products for beauty of appearance. Better even scald the citrus with boiling water, and tea with lemon peel is even more saturated and flavorful than with lemon juice.



  1. Scald the fruit with boiling water.
  2. Rub the peel with half a lemon and put it in a glass. Add sugar there.
  3. Add the tea leaves and water into the glass.
  4. Cut off a slice of lemon and add to the drink.

Green tea with lemon

However, since time immemorial, Chinese have preferred green brewing. It has more vitamin A, which positively affects the skin, ascorbic acid, an important vitamin B2 in the cold season, important for the growth of nails and hair. It is believed that green hot tea with lemon helps to lose weight.



  1. Brew tea.
  2. When the water has cooled to 80 degrees, pour it into a mug. Add the lemon slice.
  3. Cover with a saucer and leave for 2-4 minutes.

Black tea with lemon

Traditionally in our country they have got used to drink black tea with lemon, this useful and tasty drink from India has come, and in Russia it began to drink more than 150 years ago. Those who are uncomfortable with citric acid, you can advise to drip a few drops of lemon juice on a piece of sugar. The main thing is that you should not forget to cool boiling water to 60-70 degrees, then the lemon will not lose its useful properties.



  1. Brew black tea in the teapot. Let it brew for 5-8 minutes.
  2. Pour the tea leaves into the tea cup. Leave to cool down to 60 degrees.
  3. Cut off a slice of lemon and put in a cup. Tea with lemon and sugar can be served immediately.

Tea with ginger and lemon - recipe

Ginger tea with lemon - an excellent anti-cold recipe at home. Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C, but even more of this vitamin in ginger (and also calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and essential oils - a whole storehouse of vitamins). This drink is an excellent replacement for coffee. Ginger is better to take in fresh form, one tuber is enough for several liters of a delicious drink.



  1. Peel the root. Grate it on a fine grater.
  2. Remove the juice from the lemon.
  3. Boil water, make tea.
  4. Add the juice of lemon, then crushed ginger
  5. Season with honey for sweets.

Tea with lemon and honey

Tea with lemon, the recipe of which is known in every Russian house, it is customary to supplement with a spoonful of honey. Honey is considered an excellent anti-cold remedy, and it perfectly complements the medicinal properties of lemon-tea drink. You need to remember that the drink is not diluted with raw water, otherwise the useful properties go away. Honey should be added after the welding is cooled a little, otherwise harmful substances will be released. You can add in the tea with honey and lemon dried fruits to enhance the tone of the body.



  1. Dried fruits, rinse, dry and pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Lemon with boiling water, take out the bones. Grind in a meat grinder or blender with a peel. Add to dried fruits.
  3. Add to the mass of honey. Stir it all well.
  4. Brew tea. Take a spoonful of honey mass with a drink.

Tea with mint and lemon recipe

Cold tea with mint and lemon perfectly refreshes in the summer heat and gives strength. It is much more pleasant to taste than plain water or soda. You can serve this drink even at the festive table. If you add in addition, and other citrus fruits, such as orange or lime, the drink will be an alternative to lean juice.



  1. Brew strong tea and leave to cool.
  2. Add in the drink a peel of orange and lemon.
  3. Grate the ginger and put in the tea.
  4. Top with mint leaves.
  5. Leave for half an hour under the lid.
  6. In the already cold drink put ice cubes and a spoonful of honey.

Tea with cinnamon and lemon - recipe

Will help to lose excess weight at home tea with cinnamon and lemon, the feature of which is that it reduces appetite. Much more delicious turns a drink, if you add it to the inflorescence of a carnation. Such aromatic spicy tea will perfectly warm in winter cold and help to strengthen immunity.



  1. Brew strong tea at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. to a glass of water. Cool it down.
  2. Sugar mixed with lemon juice, cloves and cinnamon.
  3. The resulting syrup is added to the tea leaves.

Tea with milk and lemon

It is very unusual to get tea with lemon without sugar, if you add milk to it. Get an original aristocratic drink, the main thing is to separately mix the ingredients. As an alternative, instead of milk, you can use fat cream or instead of lemon juice add only zest. You need to work a little and try several options to understand how to make tea with lemon and milk , so that the milk does not curdle.



  1. Brew strong tea (1 tsp to a glass of water).
  2. Milk boil and cool.
  3. Rinse the cup with boiling water. Pour in cold milk first, then hot tea.
  4. Add a slice of lemon.

Sea-buckthorn tea with lemon

Tea with lemon and sea-buckthorn is good at any time of the year and any season. In winter, it strengthens immunity, in the summer - tones up and refreshes, especially if you add a couple of sprigs of mint to the drink. Excellent taste of berries of sea-buckthorn will warm in any weather, this berry is a storehouse of vitamins. You can add an orange and an asterisk.



  1. Brew green or black tea.
  2. With an orange peel off, rub it. Cut the pulp with mugs.
  3. Cut the lemon into slices together with the skin.
  4. Seabuckthorn berries wipe in a blender.
  5. Mix all the ingredients. Add to the finished tea.
  6. Add cinnamon, baden, honey or sugar if desired.

Chamomile tea with lemon

Those who follow the figure or have problems with the gastrointestinal tract , know how to make tea with lemon and chamomile. It removes toxins from the body and has a general anti-inflammatory effect. Citrus fill in the amount of ascorbic acid and reveal the beneficial properties of chamomile. Use tea for medicinal purposes should be regularly about two weeks.



  1. Dry pour a liter of boiling water and insist on a water bath for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Cool to room temperature.
  3. Add two slices of lemon.
  4. Strain the infusion obtained.
  5. Drink twice a day.

Cold tea with lemon in the home

Ice tea with lemon is much tastier and more useful than a lemonade. From the soda water you want to drink even more, and the store drink contains too much sugar. Homemade lemonade on the basis of a tea drink will refresh in the heat, can decorate a festive children's table. Lemon, or lime, it is better not to cut into cubes, and squeeze out the juice from the fruit, the taste will become more intense.



  1. Citrus clean and squeeze the juice out of it.
  2. Peel, removed from the lemon, pour cold water, put on a stove and bring to a boil.
  3. When it boils, add the tea leaves, let it brew for 5 minutes.
  4. Add sugar, stir.
  5. After cooling to room temperature, add the lemon juice.
  6. Put in the refrigerator for an hour.