Why does not blackberry produce fruit?

Currant - the berry is very tasty and healthy . It grows on bushes, which, in principle, unpretentious. However, it sometimes happens that they cease to bear fruit, than many sadden gardeners. What is the reason for this phenomenon, we will understand this article.

When does blackcurrant start to bear fruit after planting?

Most varieties begin to yield in the second or third year after planting.

Why does blackcurrant stop fruit?

There may be several reasons why the black currant does not bear fruit, and in each case it is necessary to know what to do about it. Consider them in order:

  1. The bush is old. It is necessary to know how many years the black currant fructifies - with proper care and timely pruning it can bear fruit up to 10 years. If the bush is already far from young, many years grow in one place and stopped even blossoming, most likely you have not rejuvenated its shoots for a long time. Berries of currants are formed on branches that are not more than 4 years old. Gradually, old branches lose their ability to bear fruit. What to do in this case - uproot the bush and plant a new one. But you can do without radical methods and try to rejuvenate the existing plant: to severely dilute it, leaving only young shoots or completely cutting everything under the root. Feed the currant and the next year, expect results.
  2. The climate is not suitable. If a young and healthy plant refuses to bear fruit, this may be the result of the fact that it was frosted in the spring and the fruit buds died. To prevent this from happening, do not choose southern varieties for the north-western strip.
  3. The absence of pollinators is another reason. Most currant varieties are self-pollinated, but sometimes they come across those that can not give a normal crop without cross-pollination. The only way out is to ensure normal pollination.
  4. Disease by swallowing. Symptoms of the disease are visible during flowering. Sick flowers have narrower petals and much sprouting pistils. As a result, a flower brush resembles a thin twig, and instead of berries it is covered with yellowish scales. Such plants must be urgently uprooted and burned, as the disease is contagious and incurable.
  5. Pests. If the bush is hit by pests eating pestles on flowers and ovary, this prevents the formation of berries. They struggle with them by biological methods, and if this does not help, they use chemical preparations.