How to keep a Gemini man?

In the world there is a lot of unknown. For example, the veracity of information, which generously share horoscopes with us, can only be confirmed by the personal experience of those who have already used it. And the reviews of these people are almost always positive.

If a girl wants to know how to hold a Gemini man, she can use astrological knowledge.

How to win and hold a Gemini man?

Representatives of this sign of the Zodiac have a dual nature. In order to interest this guy, it is necessary to remember that the windy nature of Gemini will always demand from the partner passion, responsiveness and the ability to compromise. Explosive, but at the same time sufficiently tempered by the nature of the guys born under this sign of the Zodiac, often do not know how to restrain their emotions. They attract attractive and sociable girls, it is sexual attraction and ease in establishing contact with new people that can arouse the interest of such men.

So, make an acquaintance and like the guy of this sign is quite simple. Now let's figure out how to hold Gemini. As already mentioned above, the nature of such men is windy, as soon as they cease to see the riddle in a new partner, they immediately lose interest in it. The only way that you can keep a Gemini man for life, and keep his sexual interest, is to constantly keep some intrigue in the relationship. A little jealousy, a little uncertainty about her power over the partner and a little passion, will help the girl not only not to lose this guy, but also to strengthen the union. Remember that it is simply impossible to be too accessible and understandable for such a person.

Intimate Relationships

Sexual relations for such a man will always be of great importance. If a woman wants to know how to hold Gemini's boyfriend and not let the passion go out, she should think about whether she spends enough time intimate with her partner.

A woman should take the initiative, try to diversify sex life. Learn the manuals, which mention different poses for sex, practice making love in an unusual setting. Do not limit your imagination , the guy born under this sign will appreciate such efforts and in turn will try and the girl to deliver no less pleasure.