Cancer and Sagittarius - compatibility in a love relationship

According to astrological ideas, Cancer and Sagittarius belong to different elements: water and fire. This diametrically opposed combination is initially doomed to difficulties and trials. However, compatibility in the love of Cancer and Sagittarius is still possible if the relationship will be based on mutual respect and mutual understanding.

Compatibility of Cancer and Sagittarius in a relationship

The relationship of Cancer and Sagittarius is almost always filled with tension and misunderstanding. Dimensional Cancer can irritate the energetic manners and speech of Sagittarius. However, in so doing, he will try to suppress Sagittarius in every way and take a dominant position.

Compatibility of Cancer and Sagittarius women is often hindered by the excessive sensitivity of Cancer. He takes to heart the words and deeds of Sagittarius, in which Sagittarius himself does not see anything offensive.

In this union, the man of Cancer is the initiator of most of the conflicts. And he can bring the conflict out of the family and involve the surrounding people in it.

It is difficult for a Sagittarius woman to live in an atmosphere of discontent and misunderstanding, so she will try to adjust to her beloved person. However, such attempts are often doomed to failure, since it is beyond the power of Sagittarius to change his energetic character. If, for the sake of a man, a Sagittarius woman leaves all her friends and acquaintances, as well as her favorite work, she will become an unhappy man and eventually hate the one for which she had to change her life so much.

Compatibility in the love of Cancer and Sagittarius women

The beginning of the love relationship between these two signs is based on interest, caused by differences in character and way of life. The man of Cancer and the woman of Sagittarius can attract in the partner what is lacking in their own character and attitude to life. The beginning of a love relationship can be bright and interesting, while the partners do not face serious contradictions in views.

The timidity and shyness of a man Cancer a woman Sagittarius can be perceived first as qualities worthy of respect. Being an energetic leader, a woman will direct relationships and develop them. Man Cancer will not resist this scenario, since he does not like to take responsibility for himself and make important decisions.

However, the closer partners become to each other, the more new qualities begin to open up in Cancer. He increasingly begins to show irritability and stubbornness, controls the partner and shows jealousy . Cancer can irritate the independence and energy of Sagittarius, his manner of communication, attitude to work. The efforts of the male Cancer to fully control his partner are often in vain. The Sagittarius will be struggling to get out of the claw of Cancer and continue to go its own way.

The compatibility of the Sagittarius girl and the Cancer guy is subject to verification and in the area of ​​money matters. Cancer will try to provide a cover in the form of financial savings. It is important for him to feel financially secure. To do this, he can open bank accounts, save money on the deposit, save some money for unforeseen expenses. Sagittarius, on the other hand, spends all the money that appears, paying for necessary and unnecessary purchases and services. The further joint life of these two signs will depend on whether they are ready to give up their ideas about finance and come to a decision that suits both.

Compatibility in the love relationship of Cancer and Sagittarius

Another difficult point for these marks is sexual relations. For sensitive Cancer in an intimate relationship, the emotional side plays an important role. Sagittarius is only interested in the physical aspect. The aggressiveness and playfulness of the partner Cancer can assess how rude and callous, in this connection, the lovers have another reason for disagreement.

Although Cancer and Sagittarius are quite different signs, they have every chance of creating lasting lasting relationships. To do this, they should learn to understand their partner and be ready to seek compromise solutions in disputes.