Burdock root - best home recipes

Well-known burdock growing in the shadow of the fence or on the side of the road is nothing but an excellent medicine for the hair. Especially popular with beauties who prefer natural cosmetics, the burdock root, which is easy to prepare in the warm season and use if necessary.

Burdock root - medical properties for hair

For a long time, the burdock root, useful properties for hair which are undeniable, was used in the form of rinses, rubs, oils to improve the quality of the head of hear. And this was done not only by women, but also by men who have problems with hair loss . Children also with dry scalp or dandruff procedures with the use of burdock will be useful and effective. The healing properties of the plant are due to the presence in its composition:

Burdock root from hair loss

When the hair falls heavily, the burdock root will help to cope with the problem. To do this, use both fresh juice and decoction from a dry root. You can buy raw materials in any pharmacy, but if possible, it is better to prepare it yourself. Regular application (2-3 times a week) of this medicine stops the loss, strengthens the hair bulbs and in parallel relieves the scalp from such problems as excessive dryness and dandruff , quickly fading hair.

Burdock root for hair growth

When the hairstyle looks faded, the braid, which until recently was pride, became like a mouse tail, it's time to start treating the hair with burdock root . For this, the ground part of the plant is used in summer, but the best result can be achieved if the rhizome is used. It can be either fresh or dried. Using regularly all kinds of masks, oils and rinses, in a month you can see how the hair went into growth, became thicker and shine appeared. Thus, the substance inulin, which is a part of therapeutic agents, acts on the keratin layer of the hair.

When to collect the burdock root?

Burdock root for hair strengthening is used year-round, both with curative and preventive purposes. To prepare raw materials for future use, you need to take care of this in advance. The best time for this is spring (April-May), when the plant has not yet emitted color and has not blossomed, and autumn, when the burdock goes into hibernation (September-October). In this case, you need to know that digging the root of burdock for the hair, you need one that is not older than one year. Older plants do not have as many useful substances in their composition, as well as young ones.

The roots are scooped out, washed with water, finely chopped and dried outdoors until completely dry, and then stored in a canvas bag or glass container with a tight lid. If the rhizome is not dried, the mold will spoil all efforts. Dried root is stored no more than 1 year. In the summer, you can use not only the root, but also leaves with inflorescences. From them boil the broth for rinsing and make infusion.

How to use burdock root for hair?

It is very important that the root of burdock for hair, the application of which positively affects their density and appearance, was used regularly. The course of treatment is at least a month, and prevention is carried out every two weeks with a weekly break all year round. If the need for using drugs from the root harvested mug for hair disappears, you can make a one-month break, and then resume the procedure. On how to brew the root of burdock to rinse hair, you can learn from the literature, or see recipes of tinctures and masks on the Internet.

Decoction of burdock root for hair

For those who do not know how to brew the root of burdock for hair , there are various instructions, following which it is easy to prepare a decoction for home rinsing. You can use both dry cut roots and fresh raw materials - in both cases the effect will be equally positive. It is important to use a cold decoction immediately after preparation, without storing it for future use.

The recipe for broth


Preparation and use:

  1. Pour water raw.
  2. Put on a slow fire, and after boiling, cook for another 10 minutes.
  3. Leave to stand for 30 minutes, then drain.
  4. Rinse hair washed with shampoo.

Burdock root - tincture for hair

There are special recipes with a burdock root from hair loss , which means self-cooking with minimal interference. These are the so-called ways "for the lazy." At the same time, the concentration of active nutrients in them is no less than in traditional decoction. Apply tincture with the same regularity, as always.

The recipe for broth


Preparation and use:

  1. Pour raw materials with boiling water.
  2. Wrap the jar with the infusion in the towel for several hours.
  3. Strain.
  4. Rinse hair after washing over a container for 5-10 minutes.

Burdock root oil

Such a popular medical product as a burdock root, the recipes of which are simple and accessible, can be prepared in the form of burdock oil, because the burdock is the same burdock. This medicine significantly improves the structure of the hair along the entire length and positively affects the growth of hair. Everyone who has decided to prepare a miracle oil on their own, one must be prepared for the fact that the process of washing off the composition from the hair is laborious.

Recipe for Burdock Oil


Preparation and use:

  1. Water and burdock root to boil for 15 minutes.
  2. Allow to cool and drain.
  3. Add sea buckthorn oil, and if the hair is very dry and brittle - and creamy.
  4. Rub into the roots of the hair, leaving for 20 minutes.
  5. Wash off with shampoo.

Hair mask from burdock root

Such a cheap penny as a burdock root for hair, whose recipe is simple, can be successfully used with excessive fatty hair . Combating this problem in parallel, you can be sure that the burdock, as a natural healer, makes the hair not only healthy, but also obedient. Women suffering from too fluffy hair, at the same time will get health and beauty and obedience.

Recipe for a mask from the burdock burdock


Preparation and use:

  1. Burdock dip into the water, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes over low heat.
  2. Insist under a closed lid before cooling down.
  3. Swell the roots, and drain the broth.
  4. Add serum.
  5. Blend the mixture in warmed-up form on the clean roots of the hair while simultaneously massaging the scalp.
  6. The mask should be left on the hair until it dries, then rinse with water and shampoo.