Jaw snaps when mouth is opened

The jaw system is something through which we can talk and impart a taste of food, thoroughly chewing it. For its mobility, the jaw joint answers. Like any system in the body, the jaw can fail. In such cases, the jaw may begin to click when the mouth is opened. The sound in this case is quite loud, audible to everyone around.

Why does the jaw click at the opening of the mouth?

Clicking is not considered a disease. This is just a sign of certain abnormalities in the functioning of the body. But you can not ignore the problem, even if it does not cause pain or discomfort.

The simplest explanation of why the jaw begins to click is the joint responsible for its mobility, it leaves the joint bag. Due to the fact that it is slightly shifted, and the next movement returns to its place, and a characteristic sound appears. The person does not suffer from pain. If the soreness appears, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

This is why it may be necessary to treat the jaw when you open the mouth:

  1. Stress. Because of a strong emotional shock, spasm of the face muscles can occur. Against this background, the joint head is displaced.
  2. Caries. If you do not pay attention to the problem for a long time, caries can develop into a neglected form, in which dysfunction of the jaw joint is observed.
  3. Unprofessionalism of the dentist. Save on treatment is impossible - sometimes clicking the jaw when opening the mouth begins after unskilled treatment: filling, prosthetics.
  4. Injury. Severe bruising also leads to disruption of the joint. You can be traumatized by trying to chew a large slice of too hard or stiff food.
  5. Bruxism. This is a disease in which a person regularly scratches his teeth at night. Because of this, even in a dream, the jaw is in tension.
  6. Problems with the teeth. Especially those that are associated with the destruction of enamel. They lead to the fact that the teeth are erased, the bite is broken, and the joint flies out of the bag.
  7. Prostheses. Sometimes clicking the jaw when opening the mouth begins after the treatment-prosthetics. This is a very bad sign. And if the click is still accompanied by pain, most likely, the prosthesis was made poor and inappropriate, and it will have to be altered.
  8. Infection. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate into the roots of the teeth, and from there to the joints of the jaw. If the manifestations of their vital activity do not fight, inflammation may begin and a crunch may appear.
  9. Excessive activity. From clicking, people often suffer because they often have to say a lot: singers, TV presenters, actors, teachers. The jaw system of representatives of these professions works very actively, and the joint does not always cope with the load imposed on it.

How to treat the jaw if it clicks when opening the mouth?

Disturbances in the operation of the jaw joint are not easy to diagnose. Therefore, to be sure of the diagnosis, it is better to consult several specialists.

  1. The main thing that you can do with a jaw when you open your mouth is to wear a special tire. Trainer will help relieve pain and will help the joint to fit into place.
  2. Strong pain is eliminated by anti-inflammatory and pain medications or herbal decoctions based on nettle, pine buds, cowberry leaves .
  3. If the reason is in the wrong treatment, all that the amateur did is to be re-done.
  4. The most severe cases require surgical intervention.

Of course, when restoring the joint, one should not eat hard and tough foods.