Primary tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is a common infectious disease associated with the penetration of Koch's bacillus (mycobacteria) into the body. There are several forms of this pathology that differ in the type of treatment, prognosis, possible complications, etc. Consider what is the primary form of tuberculosis, what are its features, manifestations and complications.

Primary pulmonary tuberculosis

This form of the disease is more often diagnosed in children, but also sometimes occurs in adults. Primary tuberculosis, or primary infection with tuberculosis, is the result of the entry into the body of a pathogen, which the organism has not encountered before. Therefore, tissues show high sensitivity to mycobacteria and their toxins.

Having reached the lungs, Koch's rods in this case begin to actively develop and multiply. In this case, as a rule, single or multiple lesions are formed, surrounded by a layer of protective cells of the immune system. The sites of inflammation rapidly increase, and soon the pathological process involves lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes of the lung root.

Most often, a favorable outcome of the disease is observed - the inflammation focuses independently heal and cicatrices, leaving behind capsules from the connective tissue in which calcium salts are deposited after a while. In such outbreaks, Kokh sticks may remain inactive for a long time, the probability of activation of which is 10%. Often, healed foci are found in healthy people with x-ray diagnostics, which indicates a previously transferred disease.

Signs of primary tuberculosis

The clinical picture of this form of the disease is very weak and not always. Only a few patients can observe such signs:

Complications of primary tuberculosis

Complications of pathology are possible in patients with weak immunity, as well as with concomitant serious diseases (sugar diabetes, HIV infection, chronic alcoholism, etc.). The list of complications includes: