Waterfall at the cottage with their own hands

The garden area can be decorated in a variety of ways. The ideal option is to create a waterfall. And it does not matter, a large plot or a small, artificial waterfall can be created of any size. The main thing is that it harmoniously blends into the surrounding landscape. And if you make a composition of a waterfall with an alpine slide, your guests will be delighted.

Master class "Waterfall with my own hands"

In this article I offer you a small step-by-step instruction on how to build a waterfall with your own hands.

  1. We choose a place for the future waterfall. Best of all, and most importantly - it's more natural, it will look among trees and flowers. An important condition for creating a waterfall is the presence of an inclined terrain in your dacha section. If there is no natural inclination, then it is necessary to create it artificially. The pond should have two bowls, and the volume of the bottom should be larger than the volume of the upper one. To the waterfall was more like a natural, the channel can be made twisty.
  2. We carefully clear the bottom of the future reservoir. To create an artificial waterfall on your dacha with your own hands, you need the following materials:

Fill the bottom of the waterfall with fiberglass, sand or other material for a thickness of at least 4 mm. Then we lay waterproofing, and on top - cement, on which stones and other elements of the waterfall will be fixed. In both tanks it is necessary to make holes for water filling and draining. After this stage of work is done, you need to give the construction a good dry.

  • We install the pumping system. The pump itself should be installed under the lower capacity and a hose to connect it to the upper cup of the waterfall. The speed of the water flow can be changed by adjusting the pump capacity. Do not forget to think about how the pumping system will be connected to electricity.
  • The steps of the waterfall can be laid out with slabs, and the channel - pebbles. Beautifully look a pond, decorated along the edge of the cobblestone, and the gaps between the stones can be filled with the same small pebbles. Plant bright flowers around the created waterfall or shrubs. If desired, you can even have fish in the pond.
  • The waterfall, created on the site with their own hands, will become a wonderful place where you can relax and relax under the soothing murmur of water jets.