Grape seed oil for face

Do you like grapes? Do you know which product is especially appreciated in cosmetology? Grape seed oil. It is very popular for facial skin care, it is based on various masks, creams and gels. And what is the reason for this usefulness of grape oil for facial skin and how to use grape seed oil in the home, we will find out today.

Grape oil composition

In order to understand what the face can be useful (and is it useful at all) grape seed oil, you need to understand its composition. In the grape oil contains vitamins A, C, E, PP and B. Particularly pleasing to us is the presence of vitamin E, because it is it that helps to maintain the youthfulness of the skin. Grape oil also boasts a number of unsaturated fatty acids, which for our skin are simply irreplaceable. Even in grape oil there is linoleic acid, it is she who is responsible for long-lasting hydration and smoothness of the skin. If we lack this acid, the skin becomes dry and begins to peel off.

What is beneficial for a person's grape seed oil?

This oil is one of the few that is great for care not only for withering or dry skin of the face, but for oily and even problem skin. Grape oil narrows the expanded pores, moisturizes the skin of the face, leaving almost no greasy shine on it. In addition, grape seed oil in cosmetology is used to care for problem skin. It has astringent and anti-inflammatory effect, so grape seed oil helps against acne and acne.

Well, for other types of facial skin grape oil is also suitable, because it can not only moisturize the skin without clogging the pores, but also increases its elasticity and smoothes fine wrinkles. After the constant application of grape oil, the skin of the face becomes elastic, healthy and fresh in appearance.

The use of grape oil at home

As already mentioned, grape seed oil is well suited for everyday skin care. It can be used to remove makeup - the oil should be slightly heated and, moistened with a cotton swab, remove cosmetics. Also grape oil is suitable for the skin around the eyes, just use it instead of a moisturizing eyeliner. And of course, grape oil helps to get rid of acne. To do this, apply oil with a cotton swab on the problem areas of the skin 2 or 3 times a day. For the same purpose, this composition is also used: grape oil and a few drops of lemon oil, chamomile and ylang ylang.

We all know that the skin needs to be cleaned periodically, you can do it with such a scrub. Take a tablespoon of milk and brown sugar (added to the mixture before using scrub) and a teaspoon of grape oil and honey. What to do with it further, we think, you know.

Masks with grape seed oil

  1. A separate niche in the care of the skin of the face is occupied by masks. The simplest of them is with grape seed oil and almond oil. The components should be taken in equal proportions, moistened with a napkin and put it to the face. This mask should be kept for 15-25 minutes, after which the remains of the oil are removed with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.
  2. If you need to refresh your complexion, then you need to make this mask, suitable for all skin types. It will be necessary to mix ½ teaspoon of grape oil, a teaspoon of carrot, cucumber and lemon juice and 1-1 ½ teaspoon of starch. This composition is applied to the face and neck skin and left until the mask is completely dry. After the mask, rinse with warm water.
  3. Use for the face of a mask from grape oil and directed action, for example here such an anti-aging mask. It will take a tablespoon of grape seed oil and fresh grape juice and 2 tablespoons of white clay. All components must be thoroughly mixed until uniform, and the resulting mask is applied to the skin. Wash the composition in 15-20 minutes.
  4. For a fading skin (after 40 years) there is still such a mask. You need to mix a tablespoon of grape oil and yogurt and 2 tablespoons of green peas. All the ingredients are blended in a blender. The mask is applied to the skin for 30 minutes, it is washed off with cool water.