Acute liver failure

Acute liver failure is a condition in which a massive lesion of liver cells is observed, which causes the body to lose its ability to function normally. This syndrome is classified as severe. The disease becomes the cause of gross metabolic disorders, poisoning of the body with protein metabolism products, disorders of the central nervous system. And if the time does not start treatment, then the ailment may well lead to a fatal outcome.

The causes of acute liver failure

It is accepted to distinguish several basic types of the disease:

Each of the types can be in mild, moderate and severe stages.

As a rule, cause acute hepatic failure, inflammatory processes that provoke fibrotic, dystrophic or necrotic abnormalities. Quite often, the ailment develops against the background of such problems as:

The factors that determine the appearance of signs of acute hepatic insufficiency are also considered to be:

People who are prone to liver disease, sometimes suffer from infection, peritonitis, thrombophlebitis portal vein.

Symptoms of Acute Hepatic Insufficiency

Almost always, the disease develops quite rapidly - within a few hours or days. Its main manifestation can be considered drowsiness, alternating with excitement and attacks of severe weakness. Quite often experts encounter complaints about:

Diagnosis and treatment of acute liver failure

When establishing the diagnosis, specialists take into account the symptoms, the results of the study of blood, urine, liver tests, acid-base state, electroencephalography.

It is only a professional who must provide emergency help in acute liver failure. Self-treatment can aggravate the process and lead to irreversible changes.

The main is usually the infusion therapy of crystalloids with colloids. Thanks to it, detoxification takes place, blood flow properties are restored and improved, plasma pressure is restored.

In addition, the algorithm for emergency care for acute liver failure includes such activities:

  1. Gastric lavage of sodium with hydrocarbonate.
  2. Injection of drugs that support the work of liver cells containing traciol, albumin, sorbitol, mannitol.
  3. If the patient has increased excitability, he is shown such medications as Sibazol, Oxibutyrate, Relanium.
  4. In the most difficult cases, patients must constantly wear oxygen masks, undergo hemo-, lympho- or plasmosorption.