Purulent sinusitis

Purulent maxillary sinusitis is an inflammation of the maxillary cavities characterized by severe headaches , which are most often observed in the frontal part, as well as high fever, swelling of the mucous membranes, discharge of purulent contents from the nose, resulting in loss of smell.

Sinusitis is quite a dangerous disease. In addition to the serious consequences to which it can lead, the symptoms of the disease are misleading, because of which the patient can make an incorrect diagnosis and self-medicate, thereby complicating the situation.

Symptoms of purulent antritis

The main symptom and the main signal about the presence of purulent sinusitis is a bursting pain in the projection of the affected sinus. With the development of the disease, the pain becomes diffuse, which causes patients to complain of a severe headache, which is significantly worse when the head is tilted. Externally, the manifestation of the disease looks like an edema over the maxillary sinus. Also, reddening of the facial skin can be observed. If the left and right of the nose appears edema, then the patient has an acute bilateral, purulent maxillary sinusitis.

Symptoms that can mislead the patient:

Even if it seems that you have the usual rhinitis, you still need to see a doctor, without waiting for the complication of the situation.

Treatment of purulent sinusitis

Inadequate therapy is dangerous because it can contribute to the development of dangerous complications that can harm not only the operation of ENT organs and eyes, but also the brain, so treatment should be immediate and under the supervision of a doctor.

It should be noted immediately that folk remedies in this case can only help in combination with medications and only under the supervision of a doctor. Another common mistake is that many people, trying to cure the disease at home, use warming, which is strictly forbidden in purulent sinusitis.

First of all, in the treatment of purulent maxillary sinusitis, antibiotics are prescribed, most often used drugs from the group of cephalosporins (for example, Cefixim) and macrolides (Clarithromycin), and often in complex treatment includes drugs from the penicillin group. Also, antibiotics can be administered intramuscularly. Usually the course of treatment lasts within 7-10 days. When prescribing medicines, it is very important to determine whether the patient is tolerable for certain substances.