Hormonal failure - treatment

The hormonal background of a woman is a finely balanced and easily vulnerable system. Hormonal imbalance does not affect the emotional and physical state of a woman in the best way. Nevertheless, the rhythm of modern life often does not allow to determine in due time and start treatment of hormonal failure.

Can I cure a hormonal failure?

In most cases, you can. Modern medicine is able to successfully cure as a genetically conditioned hormonal failure, and hormonal failure that has arisen as a result of the action of various external factors.

But practice shows that women do not pay attention to obvious violations, and often do not even know which doctor is treating hormonal failure. Such a delay in treatment in the near future threatens serious gynecological diseases (myoma and polyps of the uterus, polycystic ovaries and others) until the development of malignant genital organs.

How to treat hormonal failure?

The first warning sign, the presence of which requires treatment to the gynecologist, is the irregularity of the menstrual cycle. After the necessary examinations, it may be necessary to consult the endocrinologist.

So, how to treat hormonal failure? Methods of therapy look something like this:

  1. Most often, hormonal treatment is treated with hormonal drugs, mostly combined oral contraceptives (COCs). COCs of the new generation can normalize the menstrual cycle, improve the appearance of a woman, restore the hormonal balance. The treatment of hormonal malfunction with oral contraceptives is long, the tablets must be taken for many months and even years.
  2. Treatment of hormonal failure in adolescent girls often dispenses with the intake of hormonal drugs, doctors are limited to vitamin complexes, diets and physiotherapy procedures. But in cases of genetically conditioned hormonal failure, as well as with primary amenorrhea, polycystic ovaries, hormonal treatment may be needed.
  3. Hormonal failure after delivery is quite common, treatment of this condition is not always justified. A few months after childbirth, the hormonal balance is restored on its own. If the recovery does not occur, you need a checkup and if necessary hormone therapy.
  4. Uterine fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia, ovarian cysts and other hormone-related diseases require surgical treatment.

Treatment of hormonal failure by folk methods

Those women who are wary of hormone therapy, often resort to help to traditional medicine. Correctness of this decision is challenged by modern doctors, but the interest of the fair sex to the issues of treatment of hormonal failure by folk remedies does not decrease.

Did our grandmothers know about that and what is the treatment for hormonal failure? Probably, all the same, no, they rather fought with its symptomatic manifestations. For example:

Undoubtedly, phytotherapy has a curative effect, but it is important to understand that the female endocrine system is very fragile, the "blind" treatment of hormonal failure by folk remedies often only exacerbates the existing problem.