Tablets from a headache during pregnancy

In the period of expectation of the baby almost every woman has a lot of pain and discomfort in different parts of the body. Often, there is a headache that does not allow the future mother to engage in routine activities and calmly enjoy the period of pregnancy.

Of course, to endure such pain, especially for women in an "interesting" position, is highly discouraged, because it can be extremely dangerous. At the same time, most traditional medicines, which quickly and effectively relieve this unpleasant symptom, are strictly forbidden in pregnancy, and folk remedies do not always help.

In this article we will tell you why the head of future mothers can be ill, and what headache paints you can drink during pregnancy so as not to suffer from this debilitating symptom.

Why can the headache during pregnancy?

As a rule, the following reasons provoke a headache:

It should be understood that absolutely safe tablets for headaches for pregnant women do not exist. To avoid severe attacks, it is necessary, first of all, to provide the future mother a full healthy sleep, a balanced diet and lack of nervous stress.

If the headache still caught you, it is better to drink an anesthetic pill, but not to endure a severe and dangerous attack.

What headache tablets can I get pregnant with?

With a headache during pregnancy, it is better to give preference to analgesic tablets containing paracetamol - directly Paracetamol of different manufacturers, Panadolu or Kalpo.

If the pain is caused by a significant decrease in blood pressure, medicines that contain not only paracetamol, but also caffeine, such as Panadol Extra or Solpadein Fast, are better than others.

In rare cases, you can also use Analgin and other drugs based on it, including such as Spazgan, Barralgin or Spasmalgon; however, one should keep in mind that their long reception leads to blood changes and adversely affects the liver and other internal organs.

Widespread ibuprofen and other medicines with similar components in the waiting period of the baby can be drunk only until the beginning of the third trimester, because they have a pronounced teratogenic effect on the fetus, which means that they can provoke serious problems with the development of the baby and his health.

Finally, many girls are wondering whether pregnant women can take popular tablets against Citraemon headache . Although most people believe this tool is quite harmless, in reality it is far from the case. Clinical studies have shown that its use in pregnancy can lead to the formation of various malformations of the fetus, and most often it affects the condition of the cardiovascular system and the lower jaw of the baby.