Basal temperature 37

Many women use a basal temperature measurement as a method of contraception. This method allows you to set the time for ovulation, and, accordingly, avoid sexual intercourse at this time. Others, on the contrary, successfully apply it as a way of planning a baby.

How does the basal temperature change during the menstrual cycle?

Normally, the basal temperature fluctuates within 37 degrees. Its increase or decrease indicates the origin of the physiological processes in the reproductive organs.

So, at the very beginning of the cycle (3-4 days after the end of menstruation), the basal temperature becomes less than 37-36-36.8 degrees. It is this value that is most suitable for the maturation of the egg. Approximately 1 day before the onset of the ovulation process, the rates drop sharply, but then the basal temperature also rises rapidly to 37, and even slightly higher.

Then, approximately 7 days before the onset of menstruation, the temperature index begins to decrease gradually. This phenomenon, when before the expected monthly, basal temperature is set at 37, can be observed with the onset of pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that with the end of ovulation, progesterone begins to be produced, the concentration of which increases with the onset of conception.

That is why, with a delay, the basal temperature is maintained at 37 degrees. Knowing this fact, the girl will be able to independently, with a high probability of determining the onset of pregnancy.

If pregnancy does not occur, the amount of progesterone decreases and the basal temperature, after a few days after ovulation becomes lower 37.

What can still indicate an increase in basal temperature?

Many women, constantly leading a schedule of basal temperature, think about what it means its rise above 37 degrees. As a rule, this phenomenon is associated with the development of a woman's inflammatory diseases in the reproductive system. Also, the reasons for the increase of this parameter can be:

Thus, such an indicator as basal temperature is a kind of indicator of the state of the female body. With the help of it you can find out both about the onset of pregnancy, and about the development of the disease. Therefore, if there is a deviation of its indicators from the norm, it is best to turn to the gynecologist.