Air purifier for allergy sufferers

Of course, any of us want the air in his home to be clean and fresh. But there are people for whom the problem of air purity without exaggeration is vitally important. We are talking about people suffering from various kinds of allergic diseases - the so-called "allergies". A real salvation for allergy sufferers is the purchase of an air purifier for the home . What air purifiers can be called the best for allergy sufferers - read in our article.

Why do I need an air purifier for allergies?

Why is it that allergy sufferers need an air purifier? The answer to this question lies in the nature of the allergic reaction. Most often, the cause of its aggravation is precisely microscopic particles, which are so much in the air - pollen of plants, animal hair, household dust, particles of skin and various substances. Thanks to the filter system, the air purifier is able to catch most of these irritants, thus destroying the very cause of the allergic reaction. Of course, such devices are not cheap, so preparing for the purchase of an air purifier for an allergy sufferer, you need to be prepared for significant waste.

How to choose an air purifier for allergies?

The choice of an air purifier for an allergy sufferer is determined, first of all, by the kind of allergy to which it is exposed. For example, if you are allergic to household dust and animal hair, you can get by using the cheapest cleaner with the simplest filter. But with allergies to plant pollen, such an air purifier will already be useless, because the pollen particles are much smaller than household dust . In this case, you need a cleaner with a more sophisticated air purification system. What kind of filters are used in air purifiers?

  1. Prefilter filters are a small net made of a thin layer of foam rubber or plastic, and are capable of holding the largest "garbage": dust, wool, hair, poplar fluff. You can clean such a filter under running water.
  2. HEPA filters are filters for highly effective particle delay. These filters are made of fiberglass, which is impregnated with antibacterial substances in addition. Serves such filters from 1 to 3 years, and are divided into five classes of purification (from the tenth to the fourteenth).
  3. Electrostatic filters - consist of one or more electrodes that create an electric field and attract dust particles to themselves. Special filters do not require such filters, requiring only periodic washing.
  4. Photocatalytic filters - consist of a metal catalyst, on the surface of which oxidative reactions occur, as a result of which air pollutants are split to the simplest substances. Filters of catalytic type need minimal maintenance - they must be vacuumed once every five to six months. The huge minus of photolithic filters is that they are helpless against large particles - dust, wool, pollen.
  5. Carbon filters are filters of the finest purification, so they are installed at the very end of the system. Carbon filters are capable of catching unpleasant odors and chemicals. One of their most significant disadvantages is that as they work, they themselves become a source of air pollution. Therefore, carbon filters need to be replaced in a timely manner (every 3-4 months).

It should be noted that in order for the air purifier to really work, and not only served as a means of psychological comfort, it must have at least three degrees of air purification. Another important parameter of the air purifier is its suction capacity, or the amount of air that it able to clear per unit time. It should be remembered that more powerful cleaners have a significantly higher noise level.

Washing of air for allergy sufferers

Air cleaners, or humidifiers - another way to clean the air in the room. Although usually such devices are not considered to be air purifiers, they can quite cope with similar tasks. The air in such devices is cleaned by passing through a water curtain, which also wipes off all contaminants. Air washers perfectly cope with both large and small particles, and the air at the outlet from them is not only cleaned, but also moisturized, which also facilitates the patient's condition.