Gray in Psychology

Each person is unique, if it comes to his color preferences. Only not many know that the color that they like most, they choose subconsciously. And this color is able to tell a lot about the personality.

Let's consider in more detail what the gray color in psychology is and what people, with what qualities, give it preference. After all, psychologists all over the world unanimously say that color can not only reveal all the secrets of man, but also affect his mood and energy .

Gray color - value

The meaning of this color is commonness, neutrality. He is not able to cause any emotion. Many with this color there is an association of "gray mouse", which reflects the absence of any interest in someone or something.

In ancient times, gray was considered the color of ordinary people, commoners. He was a symbol of wretchedness. In the Middle Ages, in Europe, he personified the color of the upper world, all gentlemen. In some cultures, it is the color of repentance , of being. Sometimes gray is the color of wisdom. It causes drowsiness, boredom, while it can create a sense of dirt, something impure. The significance of gray color in psychology is used as a sedative, conducive to causing sleep and relaxation.

Gray color in clothes - psychology

People who prefer gray clothes are mostly closed, reserved or secretive.

It suits business people, radiating coldness, and having no desire to attract attention to their person. Gray color can protect a person from the influence of the surrounding world, tension.

It is chosen by those who seek to emerge from oppressive situations.

It is recommended to wear gray clothes to people who do not want to be identified. Clothes of dark gray are worth wearing if you are sensitive.

Gray color in the interior - value

The versatility of color is revealed when it is used as a background. The main positive quality of gray is its universality. Very few flowers with which it does not look harmonious.

He radiates calm, but sometimes he can look sullen. And this means that you should not use it in the living room, especially if the hosts are happy and sociable people.

If you paint the walls in the kitchen in gray, then by all means he will activate the desire to eat less.

He will look great against the backdrop of solid furniture, valuable paintings.

And finally I want to note that when you give preference to a color, do not be too lazy to ask what it means. After all, its meaning can tell a lot about you.