20 March cats, who do not care at all

Spring - the time of the flowering of feelings and incandescence of love passions. At this time of year there is an increasing desire to go out for a walk. But not only in people fresh spring air causes such feelings.

As soon as the sun warms up, so immediately in all courtyards, March cats begin to appear in all corners, sing mournful cat serenades, arrange fights and love adventures. That's it they at this moment "not afraid of even a gray wolf."

1. Have you ever seen cat's love triangles, no? So here's one of them - admire: a cub.

2. This daredevil already wants to catch a fresh fish, probably to treat his girlfriend, but spring ice still does not lend itself to his efforts.

3. In March, cats can even fly.

4. And this mustache, probably, was taken directly from the tray by a friend, and he is clearly in shock.

5. Well, this is already a real March cat's solo from the bottom of the heart, so that cats from all the neighboring streets heard it. How would someone in this singer did not give up his boot ...

6. Cat disassembly "wall to wall." Fights for ladies are a noble cause and an annual event for cats.

7. This is the case when the cat lives with a terribly caring grandmother. It's not up to the songs, even if neighbor cats have not seen.

8. Bold selfi must melt the heart of your beloved Murka.

9. How the cat smells reverently with a floral fragrance. Probably still that ladies' man, the cats themselves turn in line, since he so leisurely enjoys the spring.

10. Aerial pair acrobatics. Only in spring cats know how to do this.

11. And with this team of "Blacks" no one wants to argue, they always come first to the cat's party and dismantle the best cats of the yard.

12. Cats are simply delighted that spring has come. But from the couch still still get up laziness.

13. And this lovely mohnatik was a little confused, who he and ... decided to make a nest of improvised means and invite his girlfriends there.

14. Murzik decorated himself in March as best he could.

15. Well, everything, March has come. The bride is ready, standing and waiting for the groom.

16. In the spring you do not feel any obstacles, even a small slit turns out to be a gateway to the heartthrob.

17. Men stopped climbing in the window to their beloved women. But the cats have this tradition.

18. Some cats feel the taste of life differently. In the spring, they want sharp sensations and adrenaline even more. Skydiving is a matter for real cats.

19. You are not you when you are hungry in March.

20. And this father had time to walk up to the spring, and his song in this March is already sung.