Cselosia - growing from seeds

Not every beginner gardener will risk growing flowers from seeds. First, all the subtleties can not be envisaged, and success largely depends on experience and ability to feel the process. In addition, this is quite a long event and it is important here to be able to wait for the appearance of the first shoots, to correctly determine the dive period. In a word, it sometimes seems that growing a whole bush of flowers from a seed is a problem with an asterisk. This time we will touch on the process of sowing celescant for seedlings. On our plots this plant is far from a novelty, and to conditions relatively inexperienced. Be sure to try to grow such a bright bush on your site, and how to do it, we'll discuss below.

How to grow a comb from a seed?

It is the comb and pinnate kissing that are the two most frequent visitors on our sites, and it is also metamerica. We will begin with the crest. Work with the seedlings begin around the end of March or the very beginning of April. There is a variant of disembarkation into the open ground at once, but then we will wait for heat and we will not start work earlier.

But you want to get bloom as early as possible! There are no special tricks here: standard containers and soil, not too dense sowing and heat at about 25 ° C. Approximately in a week you will receive the first sprouts. In a couple of weeks, the seedlings will be ready to dive. For each seedling, we prepare a pot about 7 cm in diameter. During this period they will be comfortable at a temperature of about 17 ° C. It is important to find a balance between constantly moist, but not flooded, soil.

An important point in planting and caring for the integrity after is the correct time of transplant. It is important not to allow the seedling to freeze, because even minor colds are fatal for it. As soon as the weather has settled and the temperature drops have passed, at a distance of 20 cm from each other we plant our seedlings. Further it is important to feed up twice with complex fertilizers for a month.

Cultivation of flowers of a pinnate kiss

For this species it is desirable to prepare the soil with a certain composition. For sowing of celeson on seedlings it is desirable to mix two parts of loam with part of deciduous land and some sand. Your task is to get the most drained soil.

Planting seeds begin around February or April. Everything depends on the climate in your region. We take small pots or plastic pots and fill them with prepared substrate. An important point: when growing seeds, it is not so much the air temperature that is important as the soil itself - it should be warm. For the successful cultivation of cetaceus from seeds, you should provide it at about 16 ° C.

As soon as the sprouted sprouts become stronger and reach about three centimeters, we begin to dive. Again, remember the warm soil. This plant does not like temperature changes. In the process of growing, we periodically feed the seedlings. And now some features or tricks of planting and caring for the integrity of this species. Never plant seedlings immediately in open ground. First, the pots are transferred to a greenhouse or to a balcony.

Growing of paniculate cesium from seeds

This species can also be successfully grown by seedling method. But some gardeners argue that planting seeds just in the ground is not nearly worse. For this, peat pots are built directly on the selected site. Further all this is covered with polyethylene or glass, creating the conditions of the greenhouse. In the process of monitoring the soil and constantly moisturize it, do not forget about airing plantings.

Already in a week or two with such care get friendly shoots. If necessary, plantings are thinned out, and after the first real leaves begin to dive. With this method of growing the cesium from the seeds after spring frosts and the onset of heat, the greenhouse opens and transplants the seedlings to its permanent sites. This option is good for warm regions.