How to fix a hole in a drywall?

Drywall is a quality and easy-to-use material, but it's easy to damage it. A strong blow by some object, for example, a door handle, can make a hole in the partition . Therefore, the owners should know in case of need, how to plaster such hole in the wall. In addition, this work is not a difficult activity. There is absolutely no need to call outsiders, because any person in a short time will be able to repair this unpleasant defect on his own.

How to fix a hole in a drywall?

  1. In our case, the damage was due to the fact that the door was not equipped with a stop and the handle hit a drywall wall as a result of a strong impact. The hole is small, but it needs to be sealed, so we're getting to work.
  2. You need to find a small piece of drywall, the same thickness as on the wall, which completely blocks the formed hole. That's why the masters do not recommend the owners to throw away the waste material that always remains after the repair work. Why buy a huge sheet, if in the attic are stored suitable for work pruning? Otherwise, you will have to find a familiar master, so that he will help you out and give you a suitable piece.
  3. When the cut is found, adjust it to fit it, apply it in place, and draw a marker or a simple pencil.
  4. Remove the damaged parts carefully so as not to widen the hole even more, otherwise the prepared patch will be smaller in size. It is best to cut the material from the center to the corners of our square with a notched knife, which will greatly facilitate the subsequent work.
  5. Following the marks with a sharp knife, as precisely as possible cut out the square hole.
  6. Next, we need a wooden bar or a length of metal profile so that it can be inserted into the hole.
  7. We put the workpiece inside and fix it to the wall with the help of screws.
  8. We take our patch and close it with a hole in the plasterboard, having screwed it to the bar with self-tapping screws. If its size is small, then you need to do it carefully, so as not to break it.
  9. In our business, how to fix a hole in the plasterboard, we come to the final stage. First, we ground the surface in the place where the repair is done, and then apply a layer of putty on it.
  10. For high-quality closure of the hole we use a mesh painting tape that will protect the surface of the wall in the place of repair from possible cracking. )
  11. Cover the tape with putty , maximally level the spatula wall and wait a little until it dries.

How to fix a hole in the plasterboard, you now know. It only needs to be noted that the place where the repair was done will have to be painted. Most often you can not accurately guess with the color of the plaster, so you have to repaint the entire wall, otherwise this area will stand out a little on the general background.