Voskobovich Games

In the late 80s of the last century, the engineer-physicist Vyacheslav Voskobovich invented for his children various cognitive tools that promote the development of logical and imaginative thinking, fine motor skills, speech, etc. Subsequently, these games have become widespread, and many kindergartens and early development centers use them at the present time.

Developing games Voskobovich

The most popular among Voskobovich games are geocont, magic square, miracle crosses, warehouse and others.

  1. Geokont - a toy is surprisingly simple, but with it, as with other games based on the method of Voskobovich, children from 2 to 10 years of age play with interest. Geocont is a plywood board with plastic studs fixed on it. Around these carnations the child should, according to the instructions of the adult, draw multicolored rubber bands, creating the desired shapes (geometric figures, silhouettes of objects, etc.). If a two-year-old can depict, for example, a triangle, then the student will already be interested in working independently, performing more complex tasks and even studying in the game form the basis of geometry.
  2. Wonderful crosses are another fascinating and useful activity. In the game set are inserts - crosses and circles, which need to be collected, gradually complicating the task: first of two parts, and then adding more and more details. You can add tracks and towers, little men, dragons and much more. The set of figures is accompanied by an album with assignments. This game is much more interesting than modern "one-time" puzzles, which, when the child is instantly losing interest. With the games, Voskobovich can be played for a very long time, gradually improving and developing his skills.
  3. Warehouse Voskobovich - this is one of the variations of Nikolai Zaitsev's method of teaching children to read by syllables. Teaching aid is made in the form of a children's book with bright funny pictures and rhymes, in which the necessary syllables (warehouses) are selected. Nowadays, along with a book, you can buy an audio CD so that the learning process is easier and more visible.
  4. The magic square of Voskobovich is probably the most popular toy. This square is two- and four-color and represents 32 plastic triangles, pasted on a flexible surface (cloth) in a certain order. Between them there is a small space, thanks to which the toy can bend, forming flat and three-dimensional figures of varying complexity.

How to make a magic square Voskobovich?

Voskobovich's square can be fabricated and independently, using for this purpose handy materials:

Features of the methodology Voskobovich

Voskobovich's games are not just a pleasant pastime for children. They are truly developing, and they develop the personality of the child comprehensively, in different directions. The advantage of these games is that in the course of classes, the following is actively used: