Mario Testino accused of sexual harassment

It's hard to believe, but the legendary photo artist Mario Testino, who is trusted by his official portraits, the British royal family, who last week made the February Vogue cover with Serena Williams and her daughter, are suspected of sexual assault.

Ruined Authority

The New York Times, which last fall debunked Harvey Weinstein, named the names of the new villains, this time from the fashion world. They were a British photographer, a Peruvian by birth, 63-year-old Mario Testino and another master of fashion photography 71-year-old American Bruce Weber.

Photographer Mario Testino
Photographer Bruce Weber

According to the results of the investigation of journalists, there were revealed 13 cases of harassment by Testino against men who worked with him. The photographer enjoyed his influence and demanded unconditional submission from models and male assistants, including intimate services, including masturbation and genital mutilation.

Ryan Locke, who fell prey to harassment of Mario Testino

Similar accusations sound to Weber, which is before him, then we are talking about 15 cases of harassment. In particular, the photographer insisted on unnecessary nudity, and then pestered them.

According to the speakers, many knew about casting through the bed, which photographers practiced, but closed their eyes to it. The defendants themselves are shocked and deny all charges.

Against the scandal

In response, fashion magazines, among which GQ, Vogue, Vanity Fair, while testing the guilt of Testino and Weber, terminate their cooperation with them.

Cover of Mario Testino with Princess Diana for Vanity Fair in 1997

Glavred American Vogue Anna Wintour, in connection with the incident, said the new rules introduced by the magazine to ensure a safe working environment. So, for photo shoots, only adult models will be invited, who will come to the shooting accompanied by. While working there is a taboo on alcohol. Consent to nudity, work in underwear or a swimsuit with a model is discussed in advance.

Serena Williams with her daughter in the Testino lens
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By the way, Mario Testino and the disgraced film magnate Harvey Weinstein associated friendly relations. Two predators had something to talk about?

Mario Testino and Harvey Weinstein