Products for the thyroid gland that contain iodine

Iodine is one of the most necessary elements for maintaining the natural function of the thyroid gland. It is part of the hormones it produces, and when this substance is deficient, the pathological states of the endocrine system develop. Anxious bells are lethargy, apathy, mental deterioration, poor appetite, decreased immunity, etc. In a special group of people at risk of living and iodine deficiency areas. Therefore, they, and everyone else can not prevent to include in their diet products for the thyroid gland that contain iodine.

Iodine-containing foods for the thyroid gland

  1. Seafood. These include any seafood, fish, seaweed, etc. It is believed that in freshwater representatives of iodine is less than in marine, but if you consider that the chances of buying them fresh rather than frozen are higher, then the benefit of using such a product may be incommensurably greater.
  2. Red caviar is the leader in the content of easily digestible protein and iodine. Its best absorption is provided by other vitamins and minerals, such as iron, phosphorus, potassium, vitamins A , D, E.
  3. Iodine-containing products for the thyroid gland include walnuts . Include a whole complex of biologically active substances, positively affecting the work of the nervous system. Actively used in the treatment of thyroid gland ailments, but on the day they can be eaten no more than 3-4 pieces, since they have laxative effect.
  4. Feijoa. This tropical plant contains just water-soluble iodine compounds, which are perfectly absorbed by the body.
  5. To products with iodine for a thyroid gland carry a persimmon . The daily need for this substance can be replenished by eating 250 g of fruit sweetness.

Helpful Tips

It must be remembered that iodine is a substance that is poorly stored and rapidly decomposes at elevated temperatures, acids, alkalis, etc. Therefore, as its source, it is necessary to use only fresh products and do not expect special benefits from iodized salt added during cooking. In addition, there are foods that interfere with the absorption of this substance - it's turnips, horseradish, sweet corn, sweet potato, peanuts and all kinds of cabbage. Do not combine the use of both. Well and having problems with a thyroid gland it is better to address all over again for consultation to the endocrinologist and together with it to search for ways of the decision of a problem.