How to wash a jacket?

We all know that the jackets are cleaned at dry cleaners. But if you do this often, the thing loses color, and the tissue deteriorates. Therefore, you can sometimes wash the jacket yourself.

How correctly to wash a jacket?

The method of washing should be chosen depending on the fabric, use gentle cleansers and never throw a thing into the washing machine. From the machine you will take something that is suitable at best for the garden.

Do not wash the jacket in hot water. When sewing it, we use sizing, which can easily lead the whole jacket and ruin the form. And do not try to rub your hands, take a soft brush, moistened with ammonia solution, and clean the cuffs and collar. And only after that, wash in barely warm water jacket completely and rinse with vinegar so that the color remains.

How to wash a corduroy jacket?

First, with a solution of ammonia and alcohol, remove the underlying dirt. Then make a cold soap solution in a basin. Hang the thing on the hanger and start with a soft brush, soaked in this solution, to clean. Then rinse and hang on the same hanger to dry. Watch how pile lays - this is the most unpleasant part of the procedure.

How to wash a jacket made of polyester, cotton and linen?

Cotton jacket can be washed in cold water, trying not to rub especially and at the end of washing not squeeze. Some advise washing the linen jacket in the typewriter, but this is dangerous. And the polyester is rubbed the same way as the linen, and then to dry it is laid out on a flat surface so that it does not lose shape.

You have already noticed that the washing of all kinds of jackets is about the same. The main thing is not to smooth the fabric with a hot iron, but to dry it so that it does not crumple strongly. And only then the crushed places can be ironed through thick gauze.