How to get rid of spiders?

Spiders are a great disaster for the hostesses. In fact they not only quickly sort out thin legs on the house, but also weave a web on which heaps of dust gather. And then the poor housewives spend a lot of time collecting sticky threads hanging in the most unexpected places. And how can they help to destroy these ubiquitous spiders?

Down with spiders

So, we choose effective ways to get rid of spiders. But first, let's define the inventory, which we need to do this:

But before you get used to spiders, you need to understand how they appeared in your home, because knowing the reason, you can easily withdraw them. First of all, this food - flies, ants , cockroaches, twins - in general, different insects. That's why you need an aerosol from cockroaches. Apply it in the most inaccessible places, between the skirting boards. By the way, spiders of this onslaught can not withstand it either.

Just in a hurry, do not forget to remove all the cobwebs that your arachnids have decorated with your house. After all, then there will be many small parasites.

But that is not all. How to get rid of all the domestic spiders once and for all? To do this, you need to look into the basement, if this is a private house or if you live on the first floor. It would be nice to whitewash all the walls with lime. These insects do not "love" it, and also do not tolerate the paint.

And how to deal with spiders in the apartment, how to get them out of there? In the shops you will find a lot of chemicals. For example, aerosols with boric acid and chloropyryphos, of which we have already spoken. The ants will also leave your home at the same time. How to use this drug? Close the apartment for three hours. And after the expiry of the period, do a wet cleaning.

So that they will not return!

Do not want the return of spiders? Then make time not only cleaning, but also painting, and whitewashing all surfaces in the house. The basement, which is remembered at the last moment, should also be in order. Seal the cracks, and all the holes through which the air gets into the apartment, close either with a net or gauze.

After such a cycle of work done to get rid of spiders, you will always remember how much it cost you, and certainly do not allow their return.