How quickly to clean the microwave?

Microwave is a useful device in the kitchen, which greatly simplifies our life. But it requires some care . If food is put in a microwave without a lid, the internal surface quickly becomes contaminated - the heated fat is sprayed on the walls.

How to wash the microwave quickly from fat?

Cleaning the microwave can only be done with a soft cloth to avoid scratching the inner coating. It is possible to clean the oven fairly quickly using natural remedies, avoiding the use of chemistry.

Cleaning the microwave is easy to do with soda, vinegar or lemon.

You need to pour 200 grams of water into the container and add two tablespoons of vinegar. Put the plate in the oven for 5-10 minutes in maximum mode. Then let the container stand inside for another 20 minutes. After such a procedure, any dirt or grease can be easily removed from the walls with a soft cloth. With this method, the kitchen is filled with the smell of vinegar and needs to be ventilated.

Instead of vinegar in a container you can add juice of a whole lemon or chopped its particles. The effect will be the same, only the room will be filled with citrus aroma. Such a method will eliminate unpleasant smells in the oven.

If vinegar or lemon is not at home, instead of them in water, you need to stir a tablespoon of soda and turn on the microwave for 10 minutes, then wipe the inner surface with a sponge.

You can wash the inside of the stove with the help of "Mr. Muscle". Spray it inside on the walls, set the maximum power for 1 minute, then remove with a damp cloth detergent along with the grease.

As you can see, it is possible to wash the microwave quickly and easily. And to make it less dirty it is desirable to cover the heated dishes with plastic covers. They prevent splashing of fat inside the stove along the walls.